Lemongrass Materia Medica


In herbal medicine, lemongrass has traditionally been used as a parasiticide and insect repellant and to treat the following disorders: tumors; pain; fevers; infectious diseases; leprosy; nervousness; agitation; exhaustion; sore throat; respiratory infections; bronchitis; sluggish digestion; stomach disorders; flatulence; intestinal parasites; insufficiency of breast milk secretion; lumbago; neuralgic and rheumatic pain; sprains. Lemongrass may also exert hypotensive and diuretic actions, and so, be useful in the treatment of high blood-pressure.

Lemongrass oil, with its powerful astrality and its regulating action upon the fluid organism is a specific for many aspects of immunological action.

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14 pages excerpted from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Miasm: Psoric
Sefirot: Chokma, Binah and Netzach
Constitutional Type: Mixed Neurasthenia/Hysteria
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Core Perspectives: plant characteristics, herbal medicine and aromatherapy; thymus gland, immune system, lymph and blood; resisting power; spleen; astral
body; autonomic nervous system (ANS); homeopathic remedy Sol; color yellow; themes of gold; hysteria and neurasthenia; Psoric miasm; interaction among Chokma, Binah and Netzach.