Spiritual PhytoEssencing – ImmunEssence™


Designed to engage with the human bioenergetic field and wei chi (undifferentiated layer of protective chi that rests just below the skin surface).

100% pure, undiluted essential oils of: Lemongrass, sage, tea tree, eucalyptus, grapefruit, pine, frankincense, ravensara, lemon, angelica, thyme, geranium, juniper, rosemary, yarrow, cedarwood, white spruce, peppermint, patchouli, ginger, lavender, palo santo, lime, copaiba, kapoor kachiri.

Resonance Qualities: awareness, integration, resisting power, responsivity, energy tonification.

5 ml.

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ImmunEssence™ is excellent after morning skin-brushing and follow-shower.

Suggested modes of application:

  • Swirl well (do not shake) before each use.
  • Mix 3 drops in 1 Tbsp. of a good aloe vera gel. Rub mixture into chest, throat, inside surface of arms and armpits.
  • Before entering the shower. Mix 3 to 4 drops of blend into juice of 1/2 lemon. After shower, while still wet, into massage mixture into skin while standing near an open window. Keep rubbing until skin is dry (only takes about a minute). This method is wonderful. Lemon juice application to the skin is a traditional naturopathic technique for stimulating the skin lymphatics.

This blend is used in total no more than 3 to 4 times per week.

All the AromAnita Spiritual PhytoEssencing Essential Oil Blends contain only pure, fine quality essential oils available, personally sourced by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky (founder and teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing). These blends do not contain carrier oils, and so, are very concentrated, requiring only a few drops per usage.

All the AromAnita Spiritual PhytoEssencing Essential Oil Blends are formulated by Dr. Berkowsky and blended by hand using the Spiritual PhytoEssencing layered blending method (blended in a series of layers) and alchemy blending techniques.

All of these blends are for intended for external use only. Keep essential oils away from the eyes. Keep these blends out of the reach of children. If you experience any type of skin reaction to essential oils, discontinue use.

Disclaimer: The information is intended as an educational tool, not a prescription. Whenever illness or weakness is a factor, seek the advice of a health-care professional.

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg

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