Recommended Products
Discover some of Dr. Berkowsky’s favorite integrative wellness brands and products.
Lotus Garden Botanicals
Lotus Garden Botanicals is located in Biddeford, ME, US and ship within the US and internationally as well. All oils at Lotus Garden Botanicals are sourced direct from distillers. An additional level of quality assurance is in place by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrum) testing essential oils. Whether for aromatherapy, all-natural perfume, home scenting, or bath and body items, only the best, pure essential oils are used in Lotus Garden Botanicals blends. The product range includes absolute oils, essential oils, clay, dried flowers, hydrosols, CO2 extracts, blends, carrier oils and additives and more!
Molecular Hydrogen
There are many benefits of hydrogen inhalation and oxyhydrogen that improve the well-being of almost every individual in most dire situations. H2 is known to selectively scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS), thereby improving oxygenation. As it’s the smallest molecule in the universe, it is quickly absorbed in the blood stream when inhaled via the lungs and circulated in the entire body.
The Hi-Tech Basic (225 ml/min), Ultra (900 and 1500) and the H2 + O2 Ultra 3000 are perfect for hydrogen and oxyhydrogen inhalation and making hydrogen-rich water. You only need distilled water and electricity to generate the gas. 3rd party safety and purity tested. Delivered to your door step.

Considering an average person weighing 170 lbs. breathes in 6000 mL of air per minute, the Ultra 900 system provides a hydrogen dosage of up to 10% . The system has two output ports, allow two people to use machine simultaneously. The control panel allows adjusting the volume so you can start with a smaller dosage and build your way up.
If you’re on a tight budget, then you can also consider the The Basic Hydrogen Inhalation machine which provides 150 mL/min or 2.5% pure H2.
High-Intensity PEMF Machines by
Both low-intensity PEMF devices and high-intensity PEMF systems can provide distinct benefit. However, the benefits of the low-intensity devices are the product of cumulative use. In other words, regular use of a low-intensity unit will deliver a degree of immediate benefit, but their ability to exert a significant impact upon a deeply ingrained, inertial condition requires long-term, consistent use. In this way, the cumulative effects of the therapy sessions achieves a type of critical mass that, to some degree, overcomes the inertia of the case and propels it along a directional process toward deep-healing, rather than just transient amelioration of symptoms.
On the other hand, the Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine, if properly and creatively employed can exert an immediately noticeable impact, even upon deeply ingrained states. With the Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine, it is possible to experience an instant effect regarding symptoms such as deficient chi (vital force), fatigue, pain, restriction, mobility and range of motion issues. It also offers far greater potential for positive shifts in a depleted, dysregulating general state, and inertial, internal conditions from one session to the next.
The Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine can be used in a conventional manner (e.g., use the mattress to treat the entire back or use direct application of the paddles to a knee or shoulders). When you order the system, you’ll also receive the complete High-Intensity PEMF seminar and Protocol Book where I have detailed creative protocols based upon the adaptation of certain aspects of various healing methods (acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.) to use with the Hi-Tech Hi-Intensity PEMF Machine.
Polarized Light Lamp

ActiveBio Plus is a polarized light therapy lamp with a 99% polarization rate and 7 colors. Delivered worldwide with free shipping, 3 years warranty and 30-day trial.
Broad, visible spectrum Polarised Light Therapy (PLT) differs from other forms of phototherapy as it uses a much wider range of wavelengths than other modalities such as, LLLT or cold laser therapy or UV light therapy. Consequently, the devices used in PLT are generally less expensive and relatively easy to use.
As opposed to cold laser light composed of light rays of uniform wavelength, polarized light covers a wide spectrum between 480 nm and 3,400 nm, including visible light and the lower wavelengths of the infrared range. However, polarized light does not contain UV rays.
Q Magnets
Q Magnets are designed and manufactured based on scientific evidence and application is based on clinical trials and the feedback of thousands of patients treated by health professionals such as neurologists, doctors and physiotherapists.

Q Magnets multi-polar therapeutic magnets are applied for rapid pain relief based on their effect on the signals generated by cell membranes. These are some of the most advanced magnetic field devices and come with a generous 30-day trial. We recommend getting the Active Athlete set and the Q Blankets to have the perfect day and night-time coverage of magnetic therapy.
Holden Qi Gong

Lee Holden has devoted his career to helping others learn the powerful principles of Qi Gong. Anybody, at any age or fitness level, can use these moving meditation techniques – not only to improve physical fitness, but also to assist in recovery from injury and illness, to achieve a deeper sense of calm, and to relieve tension and stress. The Holden QiGong website offers live classes, teacher training as well as recorded workshops.