
Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica of the Twelve Cell Salts (eBook)

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Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica of the Twelve Cell Salts showcases Dr. Bruce Berkowsky’s original therapeutic method that combines central elements of both his Natural Health Science System and art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing with Homeopathic Cell Salts.

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For over 40 years, noted Natural Health Science System™ (NHSS) founder/teacher Dr. Bruce Berkowsky has devoted himself to the study and practice of the art and science of natural healing. He constructed his unique and dynamic system of health creation from a synthesis of the complementary aspects of traditional naturopathy, classical homeopathy, western science, traditional eastern healing arts and anthroposophical science. Thus, modern physiological and biochemical knowledge has been incorporated into a context that acknowledges the unity of human life with the fundamental elements and rhythms of nature. This book showcases his original therapeutic method that combines central elements of both his Natural Health Science System and art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing with Cell Salts.

In-depth Materia Medica for each of the 12 Cell Salts
Cell Salts Role in Human Physiology

Cell Salts and Corresponding Emotional Archetypes

Cells Salts and Acupoint Meridians

Cell Salts and Nutritional and Herbal Synergists

Cell Salts, SPE Corresponding Essential Oils and
Customized Essential Oil Blends (CSCO Method)
Cell Salts for Acute and Chronic Pain

Molecular Hydrogen and Cell Salts Synergy

Author: Dr. Bruce Berkowsky
Foreword by Terrence Bugno
Edited by Gerri Blondin-Berkowsky
Publishing & Tech Support: Siddharth Agrawal (Digital Wellness Directory)

Size: Digest (9″x6″)
Pages: 550+

Minerals and Life on Earth
The Origins of the Biochemic (Cell Salts) System of Medicine
Arndt Schultz Law
Process of Potentization
Cell Salts and Acupuncture Meridians
Acupuncture Meridians (Channels)
24-Hour Cyclical Chi-Flow Pattern
Cell Salts/Acupoint Meridians Clock Associations
Calcium Fluoride (Calc. fluor.)
Characterology: The Calcium Fluoride Individual
Calc. Fluor. and the Heart and Heart Meridian
Calc. Fluor. Corresponding Essential Oils
Leading Rubrics in the Spiritual PhytoEssencing Repertory of Essential Oils for Calc. fluor. related Essential Oil Selections
Calc. Fluor.: Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Calcium Phosphate (Calc. phos.)
Characterology: The Calcium Phosphate Individual
Spleen Meridian
Calc. Phos. Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Calc. phos.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Calc. Phos. Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Calcium Sulphate (Calc. sulph.)
Characterology: The Calcium Sulphate Individual
Calc. sulph., Gallbladder and the Gallbladder Meridian
Calc. Sulph. Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Calc. sulph.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Calc. Sulph. Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Ferrum Phosphate (Ferrum Phos.)
Ferrum Phos. and the Pericardium Meridian
Ferrum Phos. Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Ferrum phos.- related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Ferrum phos. Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Potassium Chloride (Kali. mur.)
Kali. mur. Symptom Picture
Kali. mur.: Electrolytes and Deficient Yin
Kali. mur. and the Triple Burner Meridian
Kali. mur. Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Kali. mur.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Kali. mur.: Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Potassium Phosphate (Kali. phos.)
Kali. phos. and Adrenal Insufficiency or Adrenal Exhaustion
Kali. phos. and the Kidney Meridian
Kali. Phos. Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Kali. phos.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Kali. phos.: Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Potassium Sulphate (Kali. sulph.)
Kali. sulph: Properties and Symptoms
Kali. sulph and the Lung Meridian
Kali. Sulph. Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Kali. sulph.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Kali. sulph. and Vital Chi Skin-Brushing
Magnesium Phosphate (Mag. phos.)
Magnesium, Calcium and Spasm
Mag. Phos and the Large Intestine Meridian
Mag. Phos Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Mag. phos.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Mag. phos.: Herbal Synergists
Sodium Chloride (Nat. mur.)
Nat. mur. and the Stomach
Nat. mur. Symptom Picture
Nat. mur. and the Stomach Meridian
Nat. Mur.: Corresponding Essential Oils
Leading Rubrics for Nat. mur.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blends
Nat. mur.: Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Sodium Phosphate (Nat. phos.)
Nat. Phos.: Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Nat. phos.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Nat. phos. and the Small Intestine Meridian
Nat. phos.: Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Sodium Sulphate (Nat. sulph.)
Nat. Sulph. and the Body’s Fluid Organization
Nat. Sulph. Symptom Picture
Nat. Sulph: Corresponding Essential Oil
Leading Rubrics for Nat. sulph.-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Nat. sulph and the Liver Meridian
Nat. sulph.: Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Intercellular Environment
Silicea Corresponding Essential Oils
Leading Rubrics for Silicea-related EO Selections re: CSCO Blend
Silicea and the Bladder Meridian
Silicea: Herbal and Nutritional Synergists
Cell Salts: Tongue Indications
Cell Salts: Characteristic Discharges
Natural Health Science System’s CSCO (Cell Salts/Corresponding Essential Oils) Method
The Alchemy Aspect of Spiritual PhytoEssencing
Surrounding Essence
Invisible Sparks
Layered Blends
Molecular Hydrogen Therapy/Cell Salts Synergy for the Mitochondria, Brain, Respiratory System and Pain
Therapeutic Use of Molecular Hydrogen
Molecular Hydrogen and the Mitochondria
Mitochondria and Aging
Utilizing the Combination of Ferrum phos, Kali. Phos., Kali. sulph. & Nat. phos. to Enhance the Positive Effects of Molecular Hydrogen Upon the         Mitochondria
Molecular Hydrogen, Cell Salts and the Brain
Molecular Hydrogen and Respiratory Function
H2/Cell Salts Respiratory Support Synergy
Molecular Hydrogen/Cell Salts Protocol for Pain Management
Cell Salts: Specific Pain Indications
Dosages of H2
Important Insight from the Homeopathic Remedy Picture of Hydrogen (Hydrog.)

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