NHSS/SPE Member Zone

Newsletters & Articles for Members

The NHSS/SPE Membership Program participants receive regular communication  and online session invitations from Dr. BB. The following posts are excerpts from some of the student’s only newsletter.

This category can only be viewed by members. To view this category, sign up by purchasing NHSS/SPE Students & Practitioners Membership.
Entry link for 11-26-24 Members Zoom class, Meridian Clock – Cell Salts Integrated Therapeutic Modality Protocol

Entry link for 11-26-24 Members Zoom class, Meridian Clock – Cell Salts Integrated Therapeutic Modality Protocol

First, I will review the Meridian Clock – Cell Salts Integrated Therapeutic Modality Protocol (MC-CSITM). The Second protocol I will be presenting will actually be a hybrid of the MC-CSITM Protocol and the previous protocol I presented – my Acu-Color Energetics Balance System.

This post is only available to members. To view this post, sign up for the NHSS/SPE Students & Practitioners Membership or if you’re a member.

Join the SPE Student Membership to access the full content and receive the student newsletter and invitations to workshops throughout the year.

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Video Classes

View video lectures and discussions on various topics from the classes and download related resources. Dive into a rich learning experience on  Natural Health Science System (NHSS) and Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) knowledge and techniques. The video classes are usually 30 to 90-minute sessions. Alongside each class, access relevant study materials. Click the title of the class to view the video and the download button for PDF(s).

Members-only Products & Resources

The following products can only be downloaded or purchased by members of the SPE/NHSS Student Members & Practitioners. Click on a category to learn more and explore.

Gemstone Essences

Gemstone Essences prepared by Dr. Berkowsky. These are exclusively available to current NHSS/SPE Students and Practitioners only.  Shipped worldwide. Sold in limited editions and 30 ml bottles. 

Blend Formulations

Gemstone essence blend spe autumn leaves

Download Dr. Berkowsky’s Blend Formulations made with Spiritual Phytoessencing techniques.

Articles & Case Studies

Download in-depth articles and case studies that unlock the knowledge of SPE and NHSS.

Power Cooking

NHSS Power cooking recipes by dr bruce berkowsky

Download NHSS Power Cooking and Earthborne Cuisine Recipes by Dr. Berkowsky.
