NHSS/SPE Students & Practitioners Membership

(6 customer reviews)

$99.00 / year

Join Dr. Bruce Berkowsky’s NHSS/SPE practitioner and student group.

The membership grants you:

  • 90-minute classes that will focus on a mix of NHSS and SPE topics.
  • NHSS/SPE Member-Only Journal issues.
  • NHSS Earthborne Cuisine recipes designed by Dr. Berkowsky per month.
  • NHSS Style Chi Kung exercise, stretching exercise, or Oxy-Vital Deep-Breathing exercise demo videos.
  • SPE full-immersion blending projects.
  • SPE Cosmic Light Projections.
  • SPE Case-Study Analysis/Blend Formulation Exercises.
  • NHSS/SPE Zoom Meetings (with reduced schedule during summer and holiday season); one of these meetings will be dedicated to NHSS/SPE Member group interaction activities. In the other, Dr. Berkowsky will be in attendance to answer questions about SPE or NHSS topics. During the NHSS questions period, personal health questions can be posed.
  • 20% discount on Dr. Berkowsky’s SPE Gemstone Essence Collection essences (52 essences sold individually or in sets). These potent gemstone essences are for members and professional practitioners only.
  • 15% discount on Dr. Berkowsky’s AromAnita SPE Layered Essential Oil Blends personally formulated and blended by Dr. Berkowsky.
  • 10% discount (using a member-only discount code) on essential oils purchased from Lotus Garden Botanicals.
  • 10% discount on Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis chapters, or other books, booklets or videos
  • Discounts for other SPE courses, products and resources may be presented.


My Natural Health Science System (NHSS) consists of a synthesis of all the components of my practice and my lifestyle over the course of 45 years. Although retired now from naturopathic practice, the following components still serve as the paving stones for the pathway of my daily existence: the basic principles of healthful, all-natural diet, strategic nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine, cell salts, homeopathy, Vital-Chi Skin-Brushing, hydrotherapies, healthful sunbathing, stretching exercises, chi kung (qigong) exercise, deep breathing exercises, acupoint therapy and other forms of self-directed therapeutic bodywork.

Additionally, I use invaluable supportive technologies as needed, including molecular hydrogen inhalationpulsed electromagnetic fields therapiesquadrapolar magnet therapy, scalar light wave therapy and rife frequency therapy. My basic premise in teaching the NHSS has always been that each person should have the knowledge and skills to preserve good health and to be a skillful healer within one’s own home.

I began developing the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) in the 1990′s. SPE (deep psychospiritual work with customized essential oil blends and gemstone essences) is actually the psychospiritual counterpart of my NHSS. Ideally, the two systems are used in concert. They are completely interactive and I often integrate the techniques of both systems to create powerful therapeutic protocols.

The separation between mind, body and spirit is an artificial one whose origins can be traced back to the influence of René Descartes, the 17th century philosopher and mathematician, who described the human body as a machine, and whose writings served as the most influential philosophical framework for a mechanistic approach to physiology. This incorporation of Descartes’ mechanistic view into the practice of modern medicine is responsible for a complete misunderstanding of the true nature of health and disease, as well as for incalculable levels of avoidable illness and needless suffering. Holistic medicine is essentially an effort to counter the influence of Descartes’ mechanistic view.

After years of intense naturopathic practice, I came to the conclusion that separation from one’s true, inner nature is one of the primary roots of disharmony on both physical and emotional levels. The soul is the origin and domain of this true, inner nature. Thus, the resolution of this estrangement from the inner point (the point where one’s self interfaces with spirit) and from daily guidance by one’s intrinsic soul nature is as essential a priority in healing as is dietary change and other elements of naturopathic therapeutics.

On the other hand, a devitalized, dysfunctional physical body impedes momentum toward deep, psycho-spiritual healing. The body, the ‘temple of the soul,’ is the substrate for the living soul. Deep, lasting progress of a soul-level healing process requires optimal incarnation of the soul into the body’s tissues. Ideally, every cell of the body is ensouled. Cancer cells are an example of poorly incarnated cells. Accordingly, the best outcomes in SPE work are experienced by those who are engaged in a parallel pursuit of physical wellness. The integration of NHSS and SPE work is an instance where parallel lines do actually meet.

Having studied and taught scientific disciplines for many years, I naturally wanted SPE to be (in the way that my NHSS is to physical health and vitality) a highly organized and disciplined approach to deep, soul-level healing.

I’m pleased to see that today many of my experienced SPE students are able to employ a great deal of nuanced cross-correlation and creative interpretation regarding essential oil selections for customized blends. The more time one invests in the practice of the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing, the deeper and more profound one’s understanding becomes of the oils and gemstone essences used in soul-level healing work. In turn, the resultant blend and gem essence protocols become more powerful, dynamic and imbued with greater potential to help transform a person’s soul state from stuckness and fragmentation to self-actualization and wholeness.

If you’re interested in both achieving vibrant physical wellness and learning the basics of SPE blending and soul-level therapeutics, then the NHSS/SPE Membership Program is for you.

This membership program will provide you with guidance on the basic theory and practice for both of NHSS and SPE, ultimately integrated, systems. In the members-only newsletter and the members-only classes, I will present important aspects of both the content and process of the NHSS and SPE.

NHSS will include instruction in healthful natural diet and cooking, strategic nutritional supplementation, Vital Chi Skin-Brushing, naturopathic hydrotherapies, herbal medicine, cell salts, homeopathy, acupoint therapy, chi kung exercise (chi kung is actually apart of both the NHSS and SPE) and much more.

SPE will include the in-depth study of specific essential oils and gemstone essences, guided blending exercises, case-study analysis work, the basics of blend formulation, interactive cosmic light projections, and more.

*For those interested in specializing in the art of SPE, I will be presenting training courses dedicated exclusively to SPE that NHSS/SPE members will be able to register for at a discounted tuition rate.

The member-only classes are constructed to accommodate anyone from beginners through advanced NHSS/SPE students. If you would like to begin your learning process now, here are some preliminary resources to consider:

  1. Start learning about the inner nature of essential oils using Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils
  2. Use the Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) Repertory Of Essential Oils to help determine relevant essential oils for individualized custom essential oil blends.
  3. The Six Elements and the Chakras are key archetypes to identify in deep soul-level healing work. Accordingly, my Six Element Chakra Workbook is an important resource.
  4. Dr. Berkowsky’s Vital Chi Skin-Brushing book. My Vital-Chi Skin-Brushing System is powerful and invaluable in any vibrant health-building protocol.
  5. Obtain high-quality essential oils for SPE blending.

Please feel free to write to me if you have any questions.
– Dr. Bruce Berkowsky


6 reviews for NHSS/SPE Students & Practitioners Membership

  1. Anita Kalnay

    SPE has been an invaluable course of study. I began my study in 2001 attending the live classes offered: graduated in 2008 and I still continue to study and participate in this program years later. No one else offers this depth of perspective on essential oils as the spiritual connection to the ‘essence’ of the distilled plants is always the anchor point. Dr. Berkowsky’s Materia Medica Spiritualis and Repertory are the most comprehensive in our industry and I use them daily in my practice.

    What to expect? The program is designed around the wisdom of complementary medicine and the interrelationship that we share with nature and the cosmos. An ability to identify with the archetypes of the plant characteristics is the primary learning and then to relate that to situational as well as custom blending for clients. I’ve learned to LISTEN to clients’ stories and to be able to capture them in scent. The idea being to ‘mirror’ a corresponding resonance for them to experience. The NEW membership program is an opportunity to be a participant in this active learning group. One of my favorite aspects besides the amazing support of a like minded community is the group blending projects that Dr. Berkowsky offers and coaches us all through together as they also offer us aromatic solutions to the everyday and world events that we are all dealing with.

    SPE is not just about the study – you have to ‘live the journey’ itself.

    Anita Kalnay – RA® EOT® Di SPE® Natural Perfumer

  2. Betse Bernstein

    I have gained so much working with Dr. B over the years. I was new to essential oils, I found Dr. B in an online course and knew I wanted to learn from him. It’s been several years now and I love not just working with essential oils, I love incorporating the gemstone elixirs that Dr. B makes. We keep learning from him including cell salts, dietary protocols, and many other lessons to keep us healthy. I love doing the different projections the last one we did Return To The One Cosmic Light Projection. was so peaceful and serene. I felt deep healing take place within me. My life keeps getting better while studying and healing with Dr. B.

    Betse Bernstein, SPE Student

  3. Ruth Guten

    I met Dr. B “by coincidence” (wink, wink) approximately 20 years ago. I literally stumbled into one of his workshops. My life was in a very dark place at the time and Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) literally changed my life. As I allow the inner/soul work to permeate every layer of my life, the outer layers peel away to reflect such beauty, grace, and light. My life has been forever blessed by Dr. B and SPE.”

    Ruth Guten , Health Engineer, Diplomate in Spiritual Phyto-Essencing

  4. Cynthia Fontaine

    I have worked and studied with Dr Bruce Berkowsky for over 10 years! He is a brilliant Homeopathic doc and MD and a genius when it comes to using essential oils. He has helped me on so many levels with my health and healing. After shattering my leg that wasn’t healing “Dr B” turned it around! My leg healed faster and better than expected! His work has also changed my practice and how I work with essential oils to a much deeper way to work with clients. We are so lucky to have this very gifted and intelligent man on the planet!

    Cynthia Fontaine, R.SPE.PB, Psychic Medium and Master Healer

  5. Ginger Andro

    Dr. Berkowsky’s life’s work of SPE is more than a study of essential oils it is a study of respect for life and healing. Because at its heart is the I-Thou philosophy of Martin Buber where each oil, each plant, each person encountered is a “Thou” and not an “It”. By studying many aspects of a plant and its association with Chakra’s, Elements, Homeopathic Remedies, Kabbalah, Gemstones and other relationships there is an understanding of the “Soul” of the plant and the essential oil. This then can be matched with a person’s “Soul” or a particular situation in need of healing. SPE is beautifully complex and layered and can benefit an experienced aromatherapist or anyone looking for deep healing for themselves or others.

    Ginger Andro, Certified Aromatherapist, Instructor, Spiritual PhytoEssencing Practitioner

  6. Ruth Guten

    Regarding the Return To The One projection:

    Dear Dr. B,

    That was the most calm and beautiful experience!

    A beautiful green grasshopper was on the glass of our patio door when I went to the patio (where I set up the rock field/transmitter/receiver).

    After the projection ended, I noticed that the grasshopper was on the wall to the house that’s right behind where I was. Right in the middle of the scene (Between the diffuser/ the colored light and in front of the rock field.)

    This blend has definitely invited many beautiful beings to surround me. There was another dragonfly flying around our backyard as well as two birds playing on the patio.

    I also felt drugged by the experience. So beautiful.

    Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.



    Ruth D. Antebi-Guten, Spiritual PhytoEssencing Practitioner
    Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Consultant
    Civil Engineer, Holistic Health Coach

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