Spearmint Materia Medica
Spearmint has been used in herbal medicine for hundreds of years. The entire herb is medicinal, and if grown for medicinal use, should be harvested during dry weather previous to the full development of the flowers.
If the plant is properly dried, its therapeutic properties can be preserved for a long period of time. Its medicinal virtues can be extracted using water or alcohol, and it’s considered to exert the following therapeutic actions: anthelmintic; anti-amoebic; antibacterial; anti-fungal; anti-hemolytic; antioxidant; antispasmodic; anti-viral; carminative; diuretic; febrifuge; nervine; disinfectant; sudorific [stimulates sweating]; insecticidal; resolvent; sedative; stimulant; stomachic.
Spearmint quickly but mildly soothes the entire nervous system including the peripheral nerves and so may prove useful for nervousness, mild hysteria, ailments of nervous
origin (e.g., nervous migraine) and fever accompanied by agitation and restlessness although for this type of fever presentation it may prove more effective if combined with a smaller amount of ginger.
Download this chapter to learn more about SPEARMINT—Mentha viridis (Mentha spicata).