Palmarosa Materia Medica


Palmarosa, a close relative of lemongrass, gingergrass and citronella, is a wild green- and straw-colored tropical, aromatic grass which has long, slender stems, fragrant, grassy leaves and terminal flowering tops.

Palmarosa is not extensively in herbal medicine, although it is listed in the Indian Materia Medica and used in Ayurvedic medicine. When it is, either the fresh and dried grass is used. The herb exerts antiseptic, antiviral, cytophylactic (protects cells and increases their activity) and febrifuge (reduces fever) properties.

In Asian medicine, it is considered to exert a cooling and moistening effect and thus used to clear heat and strengthen yin (the energy which underlies the body’s cooling and moistening functions). It is thought beneficial to the skin because of its moisture balancing effects. The herb is most commonly used to treat fevers, dyspepsia, colitis and various skin conditions related to deficient yin or excessive oiliness.

Download this chapter to learn more about PALMAROSA—Cymbopogon martinii.

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17 pages excerpted from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Miasm: Malarial
Sefirot: Tiferet
Constitutional Type: Mixed Neurasthenia/Hysteria
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Core Perspectives: plant characteristics and aromatherapy; topaz,; homeopathic remedy Alumina silicata; heat, moisture and the integration of the etheric and astral bodies; mixed neurasthenia/hysteria constitution; Malarial miasm; Tiferet.