Lymphatic Drainage Manual


This updated Lymphatic Drainage Manual contains instructions for lymphatic drainage of the axillary (armpit) region, neck, face, chest and breasts. It also includes instructions for the use of the SPE Lymph-Flow Blend as part of these procedures.

My NHSS Lymphatic Drainage Protocol is unique in that it is a synthesis of techniques from Dr. Emil Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage system, Dr. Randolph Stone’s Polarity Therapy, early 20th century osteopathic medicine and traditional naturopathic medicine. I have designed the protocol so that it can be used either to treat someone else or for self-treatment.

These are techniques that I have used to very good effect for more than 30 years and so I have integrated and organized them into a specific sequence for others to work with as well. These techniques can be adapted to self-treatment. I personally use these techniques weekly to twice monthly.

Order now to access the manual PDF and Video lecture by Dr. Berkowsky.

This product can only be received by members. Sign up for the NHSS/SPE Students & Practitioners Membership or if you're a member.

This protocol is an invaluable tool for helping maintain vibrant health. It only takes 15 minutes or so to perform the entire protocol. I suggest that it be used twice weekly just before a morning alternating warm/cool shower.

If you are wanting just to work on your face to help tone up the tissues, reduce puffiness around the eyes, etc.,  you will need to work the axillary (armpit) and neck regions first, as the facial lymph drains downward into the neck lymph nodes, and the neck nodes, in turn, drain into the armpit nodes.

The chest and breast lymph drainage component of the protocol is well worth working with. If you are limiting your focus to the chest and breasts, you still need to work the axillary region first as this is the area that the chest and breasts drain into.

The breast is rich in lymph vessels and lymph nodes and largely consists of glandular tissue, which includes the breast lobes and breast ducts that are intimately tied into the lymphatic system.

Both in the U.S. and the rest of the world, breast cancer is the most common cancer to occur among women. In the U.S., about 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer.

It seems to me that learning how to drain the lymphatics of the breasts, chest and axillary (armpit) region is on the level of importance as performing regular exercise to lower the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.

If you have not yet blended the SPE Lymph-Flow Blend, I encourage you to download the blueprint from the Member Zone. This blend is a very valuable addition to the NHSS Lymph Drainage Protocol. The blend is massaged in with gliding strokes into each treated area after lymphatic drainage of each area.

It is difficult to underestimate the value of maintaining a healthy lymphatic system. This system is under-emphasized in modern medicine, so people are unaware that it is as important to maintaining its vitality as is the vitality of the cardiovascular system, gut, etc.

In addition, the Vital Chi Skin-Brushing System is designed to effect drainage of the superficial lymphatics of the skin. Consider using this system at least 3 times per week (followed by a hydrotherapy and essential oil massage), augmented by the weekly to twice monthly lymphatic drainage routine presented in this manual.

In 2024, I will be providing instruction for lymphatic drainage of the abdomen for the purposes of improving digestion, colon function, the vitality of the bladder and more. That will conclude my planned presentation of the NHSS lymphatic drainage protocol.