SPE Separation Miasm Relief Blend – Harmony Waves – Part II


Download this Article to learn how to blend and make informed use of the SPE Harmony Waves – Separation Miasm Relief Blend. This blend works as a focused effort to reduce the impact of the Separation Miasm upon an individual’s psychospiritual operations, may exert a highly beneficial impact.

Read the Part I for the discussion of archetypes and miasms as they are understood in the Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE). This paves the way for the main focus of this article: the Separation Miasm. The Separation Miasm is something that I have conceived and elaborated upon to be included into the matrix of the theory and practice of SPE.

In Part II of this article, I present the details of how, using the SPE Repertory of Essential Oils and Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils, I determined which oils to include in this blend.

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I have prepared the blend and it is extraordinary, both scent-wise and in its potential. It is designed to help one achieve release from the grip of the Separation miasm.

A unique thing about the Harmony Wave blend is that I derived 3 of the component oil selections via a dream that I had the night of the day that I thought I had completed the formulation. The dream was startling and woke me up shaken. Then, I realized that it was a message dream from spirit, and the symbolism in it led me to the selection of 3 more oils for the blend: silver fir, coriander seed and cinnamon.

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