Hello Everyone,Today, I am going to continue my discussion of how to support the production and activity of stem cells in your body with a focus on green tea extract and American ginseng.Before moving on to that, I want to briefly discuss one of the lesser known essential oils used in Spiritual PhytoEssencing: Copaiba.Copaiba oil contains a significant amount of kaurenoic acid, a diterpene that exerts anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, and diuretic, antimicrobial and smooth muscle relaxant actions. Copaiba is also the highest known plant source of the anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene beta caryophyllene. These two biochemicals are responsible for many of copaiba’s traditional uses and established biological actions. Copaiba decreases PGE2 production, and is a Cox-2 inhibitor (both of which cause inflammation and pain). Traditional medicinal uses of copaiba include: pain; inflammation; […]
Recording Link for 2/25/25 Member’s Zoom Class; New Article – Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Here is the recording link for the last Tuesday’s (2/25/25) member’s live class. The focus is on: the human rhythmic system; rhythmicity as a factor in health and disease (from both western physiology and Chinese medicine perspectives); Spikenard Oil. In the new article on Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, I emphasize both content and process. Accordingly, the information here “sets the scene” for a home-protocol I have designed and will present in Part II of this discussion.