Warm Hand Soak
Warm Hand Soak and Associated Acupoints Diagrams
Two mainstays of SPE practice are the Warm Hand Soak and the Warm Foot Soak. In general, while the Warm Foot Soak is preferred when the goal is enhancement of systemic blood circulation, the Warm Hand Soak is the better choice for addressing blood circulation of the upper part of the body (e.g., heart, lungs, brain, etc.). Download the document and view the video to learn how to prepare and use the warm hand soak with essential oil blends, gemstone essences and enhancing the effects using specific acupoints. The video additionally shows how to locate these points and use this downloadable document.
These acupoints are invaluable. As noted, they are not traditional Chinese medicine acupoints (although there is overlap with some of them), but acupoint discovered by German physician Reinhard Voll in the 1940s and 1950s. Voll discovered the points via the electrical testing (EAV method) of thousands of patients. I have used these points extensively and have found them to be very valuable.