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Silver Fir Materia Medica
Silver fir essential oil, extracted via steam distillation of the needles and twigs, is a pale yellow or colorless mobile liquid that has a fine, delicate, fresh, evergreen, sweet, balsamic scent. The major biochemical components of the oil include: a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, terpinolene, bornylacetate, betacaryophyllene, terpene, a-humulene and b-candinene.
In Europe, silver fir has been prized for centuries for its medicinal value. Various parts of the tree exert the following therapeutic actions: analgesic; antibiotic (especially the buds); antiseptic; astringent; deodorant; diuretic; expectorant; immuno-stimulant; laxative; resolvent; stimulant; vulnerary.
It has historically been used to treat the following symptoms and conditions: calculi (abnormal concretions in the body, generally formed of mineral salts such as calcium compounds and found in the gallbladder, kidneys, or urinary bladder); catarrh; immunological weakness; fever; infections; neuralgia; respiratory disorders in general; colds; bronchitis; cough; ulcerations; gonorrhea; urinary gravel; leucorrhea; muscle pain; rheumatism; sores; wounds; bruises.
Download this chapter to learn more about SILVER FIR— Abies alba (Abies pectinata).