Yarrow Materia Medica


An old legend holds that a bag of yarrow placed under one’s pillow can produce a visionary dream of a future love partner. The Romans believed that yarrow could be used to court the favor of Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love, who intervenes in affairs of the heart.

Yarrow also has other common names which are important to an understanding of the soul nature of yarrow oil. Included among these are: Devil’s Nettle, Devil’s Plaything and Bad Man’s Plaything. These names derived from the fact that among some cultures yarrow was one of the herb’s dedicated to the Evil One and was used for the divination, and casting, of spells.

In herbal medicine, yarrow has long been used in herbal medicine to treat a wide array of disorders. Yarrow pollen has been found in Neanderthal burial caves. Perhaps it ‘s most noted historical use is a wound-healing herb especially in the case of bleeding wounds. Yarrow also contains azulene and related anti-inflammatory compounds that help prevent wounds from becoming inflamed.

Download this chapter to learn more about YARROW—Achillea millefolium.

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21 pages excerpted from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Miasm: Typhoid
Sefirah: Netzach
Constitutional Type: Neurasthenia and Hysteria
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Core Perspectives: plant characteristics and historical perspectives; herbal medicine and aromatherapy; the homeopathic remedy Millefolium; the three-fold organism; dynamics of sulfur; the homeopathic remedy Sulphur; astral body; spleen and the theme of bleeding; liver; kidneys; neurasthenia; hysteria; Typhoid miasm; Netzach.