Violet Materia Medica


Viola odorata has a long, medicinal history with leaves, flowers and roots all being used. Nicholas Culpepper, 17th century English physician, herbalist and astrologer viewed Viola odorata to be: “a fine pleasing plant of Venus, of a mild nature and in no way hurtful.” It exerts the following therapeutic actions: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial; antiseptic, antiviral, cardiotonic, cooling and moistening, demulcent, diaphoretic, emetic (root), emollient, laxative and relaxant.

The violet plant contains quite a wide variety of constituents, including the phenolic glycosides: gaultherin and salicylic acid methyl ester; volatile oils; saponins; flavonoids: rutin and violarutin; and a good deal of mucilage.

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26 pages excerpted from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Miasm: Cancer
Sefirot: Chokma, Binah and Tiferet
Soul Levels: Chaya, Neshama and Ruach
Primary Constitutional Type: Neurasthenia
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Core Perspectives: plant characteristics and history; herbal medicine and aromatherapy; homeopathic remedy Viola odorata; gemstone verdelite (green tourmaline); the colors violet and green; liver, warmth organization and fluid organization; pituitary gland and pineal gland; neurasthenia; Cancer miasm; Chokma, Binah and Tiferet.