Thanksgiving 2022 Recipes


Don’t use a holiday as an excuse to engage in health-destroying habits. That idea is not consistent with celebration. Instead, celebrate life by humbly acknowledging the gift of good health and honoring that by opting for health-building foods. Do a service for those you love by preparing a meal consisting solely of health-building foods.

A calcium-rich recipe of cabbage-cucumber salad with sunflower seed sauce and a magnesium-rich desert recipe of baked apples with coconut oil and grated coconut to be made in the NHSS Power-Cooking style by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky.


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Download this to receive two recipes that can be served with your Thanksgiving main dish. I suggest soft-cooked brown rice (4 cups water : 1 cup rice – cook for 2 hours) and beluga lentils (easy to digest lentil varietal; soak overnight 1 cup of lentils in 5 cups water; then rinse the next day before cooking: 3 cups water to 1 cup lentils – cook for 90 minutes) or baked sweet potatoes and belug lentils.

One of the two recipes is for a baked apple/coconut dessert. We do not eat dessert with our meals. However, many people want dessert with their Thanksgiving meal, so I have included this recipe for that purpose.

I included this as the desert option because: 1) apples help counteract acid reflux; 2) coconut oil aids digestion and soothes the g.i. tract; 3) chia seeds lubricate the intestines and counter a tendency toward constipation.

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