Orris Root Materia Medica


The name Iris derives from the Greek goddess of the rainbow and was presumably given this appellation because of the beauty and variety of colors associated with the flowers of the Iris genus. In ancient times, the iris was viewed as a symbol of power and majesty.

While orris root is rarely used in contemporary herbal medicine, it was once used to treat a variety of ailments including: snake bites; syphilis; dropsy (abnormal accumulation of diluted lymph in cellular tissue or in a body cavity often related to cardiovascular disease); congestive headache (the dry powder was inhaled as a snuff); gum disease; halitosis; teething; hoarseness; bronchitis; colds; coughs; gastrointestinal cramping; chronic diarrhea; colic; liver congestion; freckles.

Download this chapter to learn more about ORRIS ROOT— Iris pallida;Iris germanica; Iris florentina.

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22 pages excerpted from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Miasm: Sycotic
Sefirot: Tiferet/Malkhut interface
Constitutional Type: Neurasthenia
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Core Perspectives: plant characteristics and historical perspectives; herbal medicine and aromatherapy; homeopathic remedy Iris; Iris, Greek goddess of the rainbow; the gemstone opal; etheric body, liver and spleen-pancreas; neurasthenia; Sycotic miasm; Tiferet/Malkhut interface.