Oregano Materia Medica
Five thousand years ago, the Babylonians described oregano as a cure for heart and lung disease. As a respiratory medicine, oregano relaxes and strengthens the lungs. It liquefies viscous phlegm and has historically been used to treat asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and severe cough.
Perhaps oregano’s most commo n use is as an agent to relieve problems in the alimentary canal and malnutrition in children arising from digestive dysfunction. Oregano stimulates appetite, strengthens stomach digestion and prevents gastric hyperacidity.
The herb also alleviates dyspepsia, gastrointestinal spasms, colic, nausea, vomiting, jaundice and dysentery and expels flatus from the stomach and intestines. A warm infusion of oregano flowers may help to prevent motion sickness. The herb also exerts a diuretic action and may prove of value in the treatment of dropsy (i.e., abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues or a body cavity) and suppressed urination.
Download this chapter to learn more about OREGANO—Origanum vulgare.