Olive Leaf Materia Medica
For millennia the olive tree has played a crucial role in human civilization. Carbon-dating of an ancient olive seed found in Spain revealed that is was eight thousand years old.
The tree and its products are frequently referred to in the Bible and discussed by early poets and historians. Moses exempted the men who cultivated the olive trees from military service. In Scripture and other ancient writings, olive oil is considered a symbol of goodness and purity, and the tree a symbol of peace and happiness.
Olive leaves are antiseptic, anti-viral, astringent, febrifuge (reduces fever) and sedative. Leaf decoctions have been used to treat obstinate fevers, nervous tension, insomnia and hypertension (high blood pressure). The blood-pressure reducing effect is attributable to a vasodilating action. Also, they have been shown to decrease elevated blood sugar levels. Some believe that the leaves can serve as a substitute for quinine in the treatment of malaria. Externally, the leaves can be made into a poultice and applied to abrasions.
Download this chapter to learn more about OLIVE LEAF—Olea europaea.