Geranium Materia Medica


The Egyptians and Romans valued geranium herb for its ability to close open wounds and prevent infection. In Africa it was used to treat cholera and tumors. It was at one time used in England to relieve the pain associated with broken bones. Geranium has also traditionally been used as an astringent and in the treatment of treatment of hemorrhage, colitis, intestinal catarrh, diarrhea, excessive menstrual bleeding and ulcerations.

The oil exerts a balancing effect on both mind and body, stimulates the adrenal cortex, balancing the neuro-endocrine system, stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatics and
balances the skin’s production of sebum (thus helps to create balance between oily and dry skin).

Download this chapter to learn more about  GERANIUM—Pelargonium graveolens.

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12 pages excerpted from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Miasm: Cancer
Sefirah: Keter/Malkhut interface via Tiferet
Constitutional Type: Neurasthenia
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Core Perspectives: plant characteristics and history; herbal medicine and aromatherapy; homeopathic remedy Geranium maculatum; theme of balancing and harmonization; homeopathic remedy Hypothalamus; neurasthenia; Cancer miasm; Keter/Malkhut interface via Tiferet