I have heard from several people in the last few days, who, for some reason have been particularly affected by this month’s full moon (peaked on October 9th) period. Some people are affected each month by the full moon. Others only occasionally. This month’s full moon is referred to as the Hunter’s Moon. So perhaps, some disturbance of the astral body (animal soul component of the human soul) is involved. Disturbance may take the form of disturbed sleep, unsettling dreams, emotional agitation, fatigue, general sense of restlessness.Many years ago a study found that the incidence of suicide was at its highest during the full moon. The hypothesis has been put forth that as the human brain, being 80% water and encased in […]
Recording Link for 2/25/25 Member’s Zoom Class; New Article – Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Here is the recording link for the last Tuesday’s (2/25/25) member’s live class. The focus is on: the human rhythmic system; rhythmicity as a factor in health and disease (from both western physiology and Chinese medicine perspectives); Spikenard Oil. In the new article on Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, I emphasize both content and process. Accordingly, the information here “sets the scene” for a home-protocol I have designed and will present in Part II of this discussion.