Maternal Essence: Mother’s Day Essential Oil Blend Project

by | Jan 30, 2009 | Spiritual PhytoEssencing E-Journal

Copyright 2009-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.
By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB

I have designed a collaborative blending project for the attendees of my upcoming Essential Oils And Soul 3-Class Teleseminar Series that is certain to be a source of inspiration and very deep inner connection. It will not only improve your blending skills but take you into the heart of soul- level healing work with essential oils.

The Maternal Essence blending project focuses on developing a soul-level essential oil blend for Mother’s Day. This blend will not simply reflect a Norman Rockwell image of Mom and apple pie, although certainly that element of maternal nurturing will be encoded into the blend’s inner meaning.

In addition to this nurturing theme, other themes in the blend’s design may include factors such as Mother Earth, the Tree of Life vessels of Binah and Malkhut (Upper Mother and Lower Mother), the scriptural matriarchs (including Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel), Mary (mother of Jesus, the Christian maternal archetype) as well as elements such as birthing, maternal understanding and guidance, maternal relationship not only to children but to pets as well. Which themes are used and how they are reflected in the blend will be determined collectively by myself and the attendees as the project unfolds.

The students will particpate fully in this project and will learn in a step-by-step manner how a soul-level essential oil blend is designed, formulated, blended and used. I will reveal the actual blend during the last week of April, which will allow the students plenty of time to prepare the blend for Mother’s Day (May 10th).

This blend wil not only serve as a unique Mother’s Day gift but also as a catalyst for the blender for targeted, deep soul-level exploration through his or her own use of the blend. The blend can be prepared every year to mark Mother’s Day or can be used throughout the year in accordance with the dynamics of one’s personal journey toward the root of the soul—one’s authentic self.

Unlike the recent, highly successful Inauguration Of Hope Blend project, the formulating process and resultant formula for the Maternal Essence blend will not be shared with my entire reading list but only with registered students in the upcoming Essential Oils and Soul 3-Class Teleseminar Series.

Being able to participate in developing and experiencing the sacredness of the Maternal Essence blend is alone worth far more than the modest tuition for teleseminar series.

If you have any questions about the Maternal Essence Mother’s Day Blending Project or the Essential OIls and Soul 3-Class Teleseminar Series, feel free to e-mail me.

For anyone interested in deep, soul-level healing work with essential oils, this is an opportunity you will not want to miss to study with me in the convenience of you own home.

Learn more about the teleseminar series

Written by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB

Dr. Berkowsky, a registered naturopath, master herbalist and classical homeopath–is President of Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc. He is the founder/teacher of both Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System which he designed following many years of research and clinical practice, and includes herbology, nutrition, homeopathy, aromatherapy, exercise, traditional nature-cure as well as East/West healing arts/bodywork. Dr. Berkowsky teaches in-depth seminars/teleseminars/workshops to health-care professionals and spiritually aware individuals.

Disclaimer: This publication is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Seek the advice of your health-care provider before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.

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Interested in Joining Dr. Berkowsky's Student and Practitioner Group?

Join the membership program to have access to guidance, lectures and workshops and more by Dr. Berkowsky on the theory and practice of the Natural Health Science System (NHSS) and Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE).

NHSS will include instruction in healthful natural diet and cooking, strategic nutritional supplementation, Vital Chi Skin-Brushing, naturopathic hydrotherapies, herbal medicine, cell salts, homeopathy, acupoint therapy, chi kung (Qi Gong) exercise (chi kung is actually apart of both the NHSS and SPE) and much more.

SPE will include the in-depth study of specific essential oils and gemstone essences, guided blending exercises, case-study analysis work, the basics of blend formulation, interactive cosmic light projections, and more.

Read More Articles by Dr. Berkowsky

Soothing the Abdominal Brain with Synergy of Blue Chamomile Essential Oil, Labradorite Gemstone Essence and Blue Light Therapy

Soothing the Abdominal Brain with Synergy of Blue Chamomile Essential Oil, Labradorite Gemstone Essence and Blue Light Therapy

Disturbances of the abdominal brain require a broad spectrum therapeutic response featuring dietary change, nutrient supplementation, exercises, breathing exercises, hydrotherapy, therapeutic sunbathing, improved rest and sleep habits, etc. The protocol presented in this article is being offered as an example of adjunctive measures that may prove of good service when implemented in concert with the more fundamental elements such as said dietary changes and breathing exercises, etc. .
