Copyright 2020 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.
Dr. Bruce Berkowsky
Founder and Teacher of Spiritual PhytoEssencing
This is a pivotal moment in the history of this country. The death of George Floyd has caused the country to finally fully acknowledge the oppression and injustices that African-Americans have had to endure for over 400 years.
Hopefully, the movement that the death of this good man has catalyzed will continue as a directional process toward full freedom and opportunity for fulfillment for black people – a process began 150 years ago by Abraham Lincoln that has never achieved critical mass.
Beneath everyone’s skin, regardless of color, resides each person’s personal drop of the Light of spirit. It is an outrage that it took the cruel, violent death of one man to elevate the national consciousness to the realization that the sanctity of every person’s soul needs to be acknowledged.
To paraphrase the great philosopher Martin Buber, the eternal “I” that dwells at the core of the soul must acknowledge the eternal “I” of each person it encounters, regardless of race, as a “Thou.” Soul-to-soul reciprocal relation is a prerequisite for both meaningful, interpersonal relationships and the future of the soul of this nation.
By all accounts, George Floyd was a good man. Many years ago I read an ancient Hindu prayer in a book by Ram Dass that always comes back to my mind when someone I know and/or admire dies. I offer it here for George Floyd.
Gone, Gone Beyond, Gone Beyond the Beyond
– Hail the Goer!

Here is a link to a video recording of the very gifted Rhiannon Giddens singing Wayfaring Stranger in a way that communicates a meaningful feeling that blends with all the others at this moment in time.
George Floyd will be buried on Tuesday, June 9th.
Fare thee well George Floyd, Fare thee well.