Essential Oil Blending, Surrounding Essence Alchemy Technique and Copaiba Oil

by | Apr 26, 2024 | Spiritual PhytoEssencing E-Journal

Spiritual PhytoEssencing takes alchemy from the realm of the purely esoteric into the realm of general practical application. The term alchemy invokes images, such as the one above, of medieval chemists attempting to transform base metals into gold or silver. In contrast, in Spiritual PhytoEssencing, the alchemy techniques that I have developed are designed to vitalize an essential oil blend in such a way as to enhance its potential for effecting deep, psychospiritual transmutation within the individual for whom that customized blend is intended.

The phenomena of transmutation, in this case, involves the transformation, via deep self-inquiry and connection to one’s higher self, of one’s life journey from one of inner conflict and stuckness into one directed by an ongoing process of acceptance and understanding that facilitates the capacity to let go and move forward toward wholeness of being. In this way, the “lead” which weighs us down in our lives is transformed into “gold” that leads us forward.

In SPE blending we begin with the material world and move toward unity with spirit. In the process we gradually transition from awareness of material thoughts and substance to an inward, intuitive perception of spirit.

According to Plotinus (famed 3rd century Greek philosopher) in the process of creation that begins in the endless light (what Plotinus refers to as the One) the unity of the One evolves into the ever-diversifying multiplicity of the many. This is the nature of emanation — the centrifugal process that begins in the world of being and cascades in this world of the becoming.

In the process of blending, we begin the centrifugal creative process by determining a number of oils that will be part of a blend. In other words, we elaborate a multiplicity. However in the process of blending, with the proper intent we reverse this flow, not only by blending the many to create a unified whole but by linking the soul energy within the blend with the unity of the uncreated light.

The One, to use Plotinus’ term, creates without being altered or diminished by what it has created. The same is true for spirit and intellect which are the initial emanations from the uncreated light. If, when we are blending, we begin with intellect and complete the process with spirit, we create without depletion of creative energy or personal soul force. In fact, when the blend is completed, the blender feels greater integration with the unity of the higher world. Thus, the blend that the blender is ostensibly creating for someone else, helps heal the blender.

When blending, look to the higher not the lower, always remain in close communion with the higher aspect of your soul and let that inspire your state of consciousness. True understanding and healing power belong to those who draw thought and guidance from this higher source.

This ultimately is a prerequisite for the creation of a deep-acting blend – a blend which has the power to leverage the soul out of the stasis associated with the inability to grasp that all the inner conflict that keeps one estranged from one’s eternal nature and authentic self is a product of a limited vision of being that is not consistent with what is truly real.

The various alchemy techniques used in Spiritual PhytoEssencing blending serve as a bridge between the physical and the metaphysical, the tangible and the intangible, heaven and Earth. Utilizing these techniques elevates a custom blend out of the realm of the ordinary and potentiates its ability to affect fundamental shifts in a person’s relationship with the inner and outer worlds.

Below, I describe the Surrounding Essence technique, one of the primary alchemy techniques that I have developed for Spiritual PhytoEssencing blending

The Surrounding Essence Technique

Surrounding Essence Technique

Layered Blends

All Spiritual PhytoEssencing blends are built in layers, with a maximum of one layer added per day. Layering is an integral aspect of the natural world. This can be seen in the rings of a tree and the sedimentary layers of rock set down over the course of many millions of years.

The Kabbalah teaches that the soul is comprised of five levels. The two highest levels are considered to be outer lights, so high they cannot be contained within the material nature of the body and can barely be perceived even in the deepest states of meditation. The three lower, inner lights represent those aspects of the soul with which we have the most intimate, conscious contact.

Based upon my observation of the phenomena of the natural world and this kabbalistic model of the soul, I came to the conclusion that blends prepared for soul level healing work must be constructed similarly so that they are more consistent with the inner patterning of both the natural world and the soul.

Surrounding Essence

The purpose of the surrounding essence technique is to create an organized surrounding field for the blend. In other words, instead of simply adding the first layer of oils into an the void of an unfeeling, empty bottle, the blender creates a surrounding field of energy that welcomes and embraces the oils in the blend and helps in their transition from multiplicity to unity. In fact, the term embracing essence can be used interchangeably with surrounding essence.

Of course, the blender has to determine which oil would serve well as the surrounding essence for a given blend. The surrounding essence oil is not a constant. Instead it varies from one blend to the next. Any oil has the potential to serve as a surrounding essence.

In Spiritual PhytoEssencing blends, the oils in the blend with the strongest links to the person’s soul archetypal profile are referred to as the “main oils.” On the other hand, those oils which have sufficient relevance in the case to qualify for inclusion in the blend but not enough to qualify as a “main oil” are utilized in much smaller quantities as “alchemy oils.”

For the 2018 Spiritual PhytoEssencing Training Intensive I formulated a blend called Soular Hero’s Journey (inspired by the work of the great mythology scholar Joseph Campbell) which all the students will be blending using the oils in the course oil set.

This blend will help spiritually sensitive individuals acknowledge and understand their own hero’s journey. Furthermore it will help the individual successfully navigate through this dark period in our history from an inner self level, so that the current seemingly intransigent resistance to enlightened ideas and empathic understanding does not inhibit the progress of one’s soular hero’s journey.

You are the hero of your own story

Copaiba Oil

For this blend, I have selected copaiba (pronounced ko-pah-ee-bah) essential oil to serve as the surrounding essence oil.

Copaiba Plant

Copaiba oil is steam distilled from the gum/resin of Copaifera officinalis, a wild tree native to Brazil and other parts of South America. Once tapped (similar to how maple syrup and rubber are extracted), the copaiba resin is distilled to produce a clear essential oil that has a soft, subtle, yet expansive woody scent with a subtle, herbaceous, sweet note at its center.

Copaiba oil contains a significant amount of kaurenoic acid, a diterpene that exerts anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, and diuretic, antimicrobial and smooth muscle relaxant actions. Copaiba is also the highest known plant source of the anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene beta caryophyllene. The copaiba in the 2018 SPE Training Intensive course oil set is comprised of 69.2% beta carophyllene. In comparison clove oil, another notable source, contains only 8%.

These two biochemicals are responsible for many of copaiba’s traditional uses and established biological actions. Copaiba decreases PGE2 production, and is a Cox-2 inhibitor. Traditional medicinal uses of copaiba include: pain; inflammation; bacterial and fungal infections; tumors; fibromyalgia; lupus; multiple sclerosis; respiratory congestion; sinusitis; bronchitis; tuberculosis; stomach ulcers; stomach cancer; chronic diarrhea; hemorrhoids; constipation; cystitis; kidney weakness; urinary incontinence; arthritis; psoriasis; dermatitis; wounds; rashes; herpes; insect bites; boils; acne; nail and skin fungal infections; skin cancer.

Clearly, on a physical level, copaiba is an impressive healing agent. It is equally so on a psychospiritual level. The scent of copaiba is somewhat elusive. At times, it recedes to a level of mildness that is unusual among essential oils. At other times, its tropical wood scent unfurls and spirals upward in full. The subtle sweet undertone similarly varies in intensity. Regardless of the level of intensity of these scent notes, they are always enveloped in a warm, nurturing, somewhat maternal essence that is comprised of both scent and energy.

When I first received this oil, its scent was at its lower point. However, as the days passed and I interacted with it on an I-Thou, soul to soul, level and it physically warmed up in the quiet of my lab, its scent projection became progressively more robust. It seemed as if the oil needed physical warmth, a sense of safety and soul-to-soul acknowledgment before it trusted enough to reveal the beauty of its inner mystery.

Being that copaiba is a wild Amazon jungle oil, its scent behavior reminded me of a nature program I once saw which showed monkeys, upon the approach of a jaguar, scrambling up trees into the cover and safety of the canopy. Once the jaguar left the area, the monkeys reappeared on the jungle floor and resumed their normal activities.

From this experience with the oil, I began to use it in blending for individuals who are somewhat introverted and prone to feelings of vulnerability. The copaiba individual withdraws when she (or he) is among people she does not know. She is reflexively introverted when among strangers. She needs to feel nurturing warmth and soul-to-soul acknowledgment before she will emerge from the shelter of her introversion.

Some of the rubrics in the Spiritual PhytoEssencing Repertory of Essential Oils in which copaiba appears include:

Hide, desire to
Hides true feelings
Strangers, worse for the presence of
Vulnerability, feelings of
Warmth, better for
Warmth, desire for

Copaiba oil has a particular affinity for the 2nd, 4th and 6th chakras as well as the Earth, Warmth and Water elements.

Considering all of this, it became clear to me that copaiba was an ideal oil to serve as the surrounding essence that embraces and shelters the other oils in the Soular Hero’s Journey blend.

Instructions for Preparing a Surrounding Essence

  1. Prior to blending, add 3 drops (per a 5 ml blend) of a selected alchemy oil (not one of the main oils in the blend formula; in this case the 2018 students will be using copaiba oil) to 27 drops of alcohol* in the empty blending bottle.
    *Alcohol: Ideally 190 proof (95%) alcohol should be used as the essential oils are soluble in alcohol, not water. I use 190 proof alcohol distilled from organic wine. In many places, you can easily obtain a permit to purchase this strength alcohol. However, if you cannot, opt for 100 proof (50%) vodka. This is not as effective a solvent but will still work for the purposes of the surrounding essence technique. Alcohol that is more dilute than this will not serve well for the purpose of creating a surrounding essence.
  2. While holding the bottle upright, swirl vigorously for a minute.
  3. Then empty the bottle and place it upside down (with the cap off) on an eco-friendly paper towel and allow it to drain for 30 minutes.
  4. Proceed on to blending the first layer of the blend. Always set down the first layer of the blend within 30 to 60 minutes after the draining of the surrounding essence began.

When you are preparing your next essential oil blend, consider beginning with a surrounding essence. You will find that this simple Spiritual PhytoEssencing alchemy technique will enhance the power and overall dynamics of the blend.

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Interested in Joining Dr. Berkowsky's Student and Practitioner Group?

Join the membership program to have access to guidance, lectures and workshops and more by Dr. Berkowsky on the theory and practice of the Natural Health Science System (NHSS) and Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE).

NHSS will include instruction in healthful natural diet and cooking, strategic nutritional supplementation, Vital Chi Skin-Brushing, naturopathic hydrotherapies, herbal medicine, cell salts, homeopathy, acupoint therapy, chi kung (Qi Gong) exercise (chi kung is actually apart of both the NHSS and SPE) and much more.

SPE will include the in-depth study of specific essential oils and gemstone essences, guided blending exercises, case-study analysis work, the basics of blend formulation, interactive cosmic light projections, and more.

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