Pemou Oil and Life Here in the Going, Going, Gone
Looking back through the mists helps us learn about Pemou oil’s theme of extinction, relation with body and adrenal fatigue.
Why The Spiritually Sensitive Person Is Prone To Physical Ailments: The Life-Path Of The Clove Oil Individual
Learn about the the spiritual consciousness/physical-suffering conundrum and about clove oil that has relevance regarding soul-level disharmony in certain spiritual, sensitive, physically vulnerable individuals. Article Topics include: Health Challenges Among Mystics; Spiritual PhytoEssencing and Archetypal Blending; The Clove Oil Type; The Natrum silicatum Individual
Chronic Acid Reflux and the Decline and Fall of the Modern Stomach: Part 1
Stomach Dysfunction: A Modern Epidemic; The Cause Of Chronic Acid Reflux; The Folly Of Viewing GERD as a Stand-Alone Stomach Disorder; The Danger of Treating GERD with Drugs
The Art of Using Essential Oils To Integrate the Higher Soul and Personal Self
The Difference between Spiritual PhytoEssencing and Aromatherapy; The Concept of the Custom Essential Oil Blend; Identifying the Unique Soul-Nature of Each Essential Oil; The Importance of Intent in Spiritual PhytoEssencing Blending and The Role of the Spiritual PhytoEssencing Blender.
Essential Oils and the Transition from Life to Afterlife: The Art of Dying
Typically, when a patient is dying, conventional medicine switches into palliation mode. Accordingly, all its efforts are directed via pain medications and other drugs to control suffering. Certainly, the control of suffering is a leading priority. However, there is another equally vital aspect of treatment that is virtually ignored: the need to prepare that person’s soul for its transition to the next plane of its existence.
The Airbath: A Simple, Health-Building Nature’s Therapy
The Airbath is one of the fundamental therapies of traditional naturopathy. Read this article to discover the healing power of air and how to take an Airbath.
The Morning Cool-Water G.I. Tract Reviver
One of the most basic and efficient measures for helping to ameliorate chronic constipation and inflammation of the stomach and intestines is this simple Morning Cool-Water G.I. Tract Reviver. This invaluable technique may also prove of good service in cases of chronic indigestion due to atony (lack of tone and strength) of the muscles of the stomach and intestines.
After The Tornado: Creating a Soul-Healing Essential Oil Blend for the Survivors
Like most Americans, I was dismayed this past week by the scenes of utter destruction and despair left in the wake of the tornadoes that, like malevolent mythological creatures, laid waste to populated areas throughout the South. I observed the razed houses and heard...
Essential Oils and the Transition from Life to Afterlife
Copyright 2011-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB I am going to devote this issue of the Journal Of Spiritual PhytoEssencing to some of the important insights I gained through my all too brief work with Eve Rosenbloom, a...
The Carrot: Nutritional and Medicinal Powerhouse
The carrot is an invaluable food and healing substance. Carrots have low glycemic index scores although they were originally, and incorrectly, reported as having a high glycemic index score.
The Trauma of Birth, Separation Anxiety and Essential Oils: Part II
Many essential oils, within a soul-level healing context, have varying degrees of relevance regarding birth trauma or particular aspects of birth trauma and/or separation anxiety. In this article I focus primarily on cinnamon oil. Topics include the Death-Rebirth Miasm; Using Homeopathic Remedy Cinnamomum; Cinnamon Oil and more.
The Trauma of Birth, Separation Anxiety and Essential Oils: Part I
Trauma of birth and seperation from the mother sets up a deep-seated fear, ingrained into both psycho-spiritual and physical memory. Thus, the theme of separation is a crucial one to note when analyzing a case study.
Essential Oils, Soul Archetypes and the Six Element Paradigm
Essential Oils and Direct Engagement with the Soul; Elements As Archetypes; The Six Element Paradigm; Air Element, Astral Body and the Animal Soul & Essential Oils Associated with the Air Element.
Essential Oils and Soul-Level Healing 3-Class Webinar Series
Copyright 2010-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB Dr. Bruce Berkowsky will be presenting a 3-class Essential Oils And Soul-Level Healing Teleseminar Series with the first 2-hour teleseminar class scheduled for Wednesday,...
Apple Cider Vinegar For Healthy Skin and Hair
Read this article to learn about the potential health and beauty benefits offered by the use (internal and external) of unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
Anxiety, Solar Plexus and Essential Oil
Read this article to learn about anxiety; it’s connection to the solar plexus chakra; essential oils, gemstone and homeopathic remedies for anxiety based on the spiritual phytoessencing.
Essential Oils and Faith, Maternal Love, I-Thou Relation and Creating Angels
Cedarwood, carrot seed, lemongrass and angelica oils are integrated into a narrative concerning faith, nurturing via food and reciprocal soul-to soul relation not only between two people but between an individual and God.
Vitamin D, Cancer and Heart Disease
Vitamin D is a nutrient which is relevant regarding not only both calcium and magnesium nutrition and the maintenance of immunological integrity, but also the prevention and treatment of a wide spectrum of chronic diseases, including cancer and heart disease.
Douglas-Fir Essential Oil: Primal Fear, Inferiority Complex and the Themes of Paternal Nurturing and Protection
A hard wind blowing off the Cascade Mountains; St. John’s Wort Essential Oil; Douglas-Fir Essential Oil; Douglas-Fir and Adler’s Concept of the Inferiority Complex; Themes of Paternal Nurturing and Protection
The Last Of Dass: Essential Oils and PTSD, Courage, Duty and Clairvoyance
It was late afternoon in November of 1984 when I heard someone enter through the front door of my combination office/natural apothecary. The office, where I conducted my practice was at the back; and, fronting the street, was the store that primarily served my clients...
Natural Homemade Flu-Protection Preparation
In this article, I will first describe the flu disease process and the conventional medical treatment of the disorder, including vaccination. Various alternative, natural therapeutic options with a focus upon quercetin, onions, star anise and manuka honey, and recipe for a homemade medicine.
Maternal Essence: Mother’s Day Essential Oil Blend Project
Copyright 2009-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB I have designed a collaborative blending project for the attendees of my upcoming Essential Oils And Soul 3-Class Teleseminar Series that is certain to be a...
Premium Nutrition Fine-Quality Calcium Supplements
Premium LifeCal and Premium Calcium Plus - formulated by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky Copyright 2009-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB Dr. Berkowsky's Premium Nutrition Calcium Formulas:How They Are Made And Why They Are...
Calcium Supplementation: What You Need To Know About Calcium, Magnesium And Vitamin D
Copyright 2009-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB Please Note: This article represents the third part of a series of third articles concerning magnesium and calcium, and the potential benefits of their...
The True Nature of Eve of the Garden of Eden and Relevant Essential Oils
This articles demonstrates how to take scriptural archetypal maternal figures such as Eve (of the Garden of Eden) and translate the mystical qualities and symbolism associated with these mythical mothers into essential oil selections for inclusion in the Maternal Essence blend.
The Germ Theory: The Traditional Naturopathic Perspective – Part I
In recent weeks, we have heard ominous reports regarding the threat of a swine flu pandemic that have stirred up great trepidation. Therefore, I think it both timely and important to share the traditional naturopathic perspective regarding the Germ Theory. Rudolf...
Maternal Essence Essential Oil Blend Part I: Corrrelating Mystical Qualities and Symbolism of Scriptural Maternal Figures With Specific Essential Oils
This article is Part I of a series of articles in which I will demonstrate how I am taking certain mystical qualities and symbolism associated with scriptural archetypal maternal figures such as Eve (of Adam and Eve) and translating these into essential oil selections...
Magnesium Part II: Magnesium and Osteoporosis
Please Note: This article represents the second part of this 3-articles series concerning magnesium and calcium, and the potential benefits of their supplementation. The third and final part (a discussion of calcium) will be presented in next month's issue of Nature's...
Interpretation of Rose Oil’s Plant Signatures
Imaginative Consciousness: Developing “Pure Relation” With Essential Oils Philosopher J.N. Findlay in The Transcendence of the Cave remarks: “The other world [i.e., spiritual world] is, in fact, not so much another world as another half of one world, which two halves...
The Enormous Importance of Magnesium: Part I
Please Note: This article represents the first part of a series of articles concerning magnesium and calcium, and the potential benefits of their supplementation. The second part of my discussion of magnesium will be presented in next month's issue...