Essential Oils Fall Webinar Training Intensive: Live Distance-Learning Training with Dr. Berkowsky

by | Jun 14, 2012 | Spiritual PhytoEssencing E-Journal

Copyright 2012-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.
By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB

Learn the Art of Soul-Level Healing with Essential Oils in the Comfort of Your Own Home

For many years I taught an annual in-person training intensive in my home state of Washington that people traveled to from all over North America and other parts of the world.

Now you can participate in this training without having to leave your home as I will be presenting this training intensive as a concentrated distance-learning program.

I have made this transition in order to give more people from around the world the opportunity to pursue this rare, invaluable training at a far lower cost without all the additional expense and logistics involved with travel and being away from home.

I can’t say at this time how many of these training intensives I will be presenting in the future. It depends upon a lot of factors. I may do a couple more, but I have been teaching now for many years, these trainings take a lot of work to develop and teach, I am getting busier seemingly by the week and I am yearning for more time to just rest and spend time with my wife and Nature. Thus, there is the possibility that this may be the one of the last ones that I present.

If you really want to develop these rare healing skills, gain access to the inner realm of the essential oils and, in the process, move forward to full presence of being, I suggest you take advantage of this unique opportunity to do so in the comfort of your own home.

The program consists of a series of webinars as well as video demonstrations and also case-study training group-study sessions (conducted by webinar) with each group led by one of my senior students.

Over the course of the training intensive I will teach seven 2-hour webinar classes. The course begins September 12th and continues until November 14th.

All webinars will be recorded so those who have scheduling conflicts and miss a class, can review the entire presentation whenever they like, at their own pace.

All students will receive the recording links for each class, which they can archive, allowing them to review the material as often as they like.

I provide details regarding course content, scheduling, tuition and how to register online – Learn more.

You will note that the early-bird discounted tuition offer ends on July 15th. After that the tuition will increase and then increase to full tuition on August 15th.

The early-bird discounted tuition offer represents a savings of 20%.

I need to emphasize that this training is not designed exclusively for professional practitioners of the healing arts. For the last 35 years, my goal has always been to provide guidance regarding the basics of self-healing on both physical and psycho-spiritual levels. I feel this is a crucial factor in taking control of one’s life.

Even if you only use the skills you will learn in my classes for self-healing or helping your friends and family, you are just as important to me as a teacher as a student who uses those skills effectively in a professional practice.

Before moving on to the details of the course, for those of you who are not familiar with my Spiritual PhytoEssencing work, here is a brief review of its core theoretical perspectives and methodology.

For those of you who are already familiar with Spiritual PhytoEssencing and would just like to review the details of the Fall Training Intensive, just scroll down below the discussion and you will find those. However, you may find the following discussion to be interesting and personally relevant.

A Brief Overview of Spiritual PhytoEssencing – Soul-Level Healing Work with Essential Oils

In addition to the following information, you can gain more insight regarding the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing from the links below, which enables you to listen to an excerpt from one of my recent teleseminar recordings. The recording excerpt provides additional in-depth detail about the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing.

Dr. Berkowsky’s 2012 Fall Webinar Training Intensive

Dr. Berkowsky’s Art Of The Client Interview Webinar Training Class

Spiritual PhytoEssencing is an art intended for creative souls who feel compelled to find their way back to the beginning of themselves – a place they left behind in the early years of childhood when they were told that being your true self would not prove good enough to be a success in this life.

So we conformed and over time developed a complexly structured idealized self that was approved as being more suitable for navigating the rough waters of life. In the process we lost touch, except in moments of fleeting realization, with who we really are. Herman Hesse referred to this as the great detour.

Using the inner soul nature of essential oils to reconnect with who you really are below the garments of your survival personality is a journey that facilitates living your life with full, rather than fragmented, presence of being.

Stuckness, a form of limitation, is a state of being that can only be associated with the finite realm. Therefore, overcoming stuckness requires the ongoing influence of the higher soul – that aspect of the soul that has never become estranged from its infinite source.

Anthroposophical science teaches that fragrance formation represents an interaction between terrestrial and cosmic forces, and it’s used by the plant as a means of uniting with spirit. Accordingly, an essential oil is the most concentrated carrier of the plant’s soul.

According to Kabbalah, the human soul contains animal-, vegetable- and human soul components. Thus, each of us has the ability to relate to plant souls on a soul-to-soul level. Plants are alive, and everything that lives has a soul. An essential oil, the bonding medium for the soul of the plant, is uniquely suited to act as the physical entity that can facilitate an interface between plant and human souls.

Based upon the interface of these two principles, I have formed the following hypothesis: The plant-soul is not encumbered by ego, so it has the qualities of purity and infinity. Thus, an individualized plant-soul combination within an essential oil blend, when proffered to the human-soul, would be eagerly received and infuse the latter with the impetus to move beyond limitation by changing its orientation from the finite to the Infinite.

This is achieved through reengagement with the higher soul – the root of the soul- which can then reassert its natural role in guiding the processes of thought, emotion and consciousness. The root of the soul and the true self are completely integrated and neither can operate on this plane of existence without the other.

One of the basic concepts of the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing is: the key to reorganizing the soul in this way is the formulation of a customized essential oil blend that accurately reflects an individual’s true soul-nature.

Happiness is the key to wellness. No unhappy person can truly be well. In turn, the key to happiness lies in accepting, and living in accordance with, one’s true soul nature and having it received and acknowledged by others.

The inability to actualize who we really are leads to anger, anxiety, frustration, depression, regret, etc. And these emotions are often repressed, becoming morbidly introverted emotional “cysts.” Our bottled-up emotional cysts hold us back physically as well as emotionally and commonly serve as roots for chronic diseases.

The circumstances and stresses of one’s life will not instantly go away when working on a soul-level with essential oil blends. What will change is the position from which one’s consciousness views these circumstances and stresses. It is this shift in position from finite to Infinite, from stuckness to possibility, that can enable one to make correct choices, and thus, to move beyond what previously seemed intractable and hopeless.

SPE is a synthesis of certain aspects of aromatherapy, doctrine of signatures, classical homeopathy, modern physiology, Kabbalah, philosophy, anthroposophical science, Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and folklore, depth psychology, gemstone healing and color therapy.

I use this synthesis to develop individualized portraits of the inner soul nature of each of the oils used in Spiritual PhytoEssencing blending. Thus far I have elaborated highly detailed portraits of 110 different oils. Accordingly, each of the oils represents a unique plant soul with a characteristic mixture of prominent archetypal qualities.

In in Spiritual PhytoEssencing, the central reference text, composed of these 110 chapters, is Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

In SPE, an interview (called an anamnesis–Latin for recollection) is conducted that enables the practitioner to identify the constitutional themes that characterize the subject’s deepest psycho-spiritual dynamics. Various aspects of these themes are then proficiently matched with corresponding essential oils.

The resultant custom blend constitutes a plant-soul analogue of a given individual’s “soul-picture.” In other words, it is a soul-portrait in oils. It is this customized correspondence that encourages that individual’s soul to accept the homogeneous blend of plant-souls as a “reorganizing nucleus.” In essence, the custom blend serves as the unique matching key that can unlock the moribund potential within an analogous human-soul.

Harmonizing the currents of the psycho-spiritual plane facilitates an ongoing state of heightened awareness, receptivity, flexibility, objectivity and the illumination of life-choices. True healing can proceed only when this level of consciousness becomes one’s daily norm.

SPE practice consists of using customized essential oil blends in concert with homeopathic-style potentized dilutions prepared by sequential dilution of one drop of that blend. In this way, the person’s soul encounters the plant-soul combination on two different quantum energetic levels.

I never cease to be in awe of the potential these oil blends hold for profound life-change, which my clients consistently report to me. In my 35 years as a practitioner of the natural healing arts, after having worked with a wide variety of natural healing modalities, I know of no other healing substances that could substitute for essential oils in this regard.

For those of you who would like to go even deeper into the world of deep soul-level healing with essential oils, I hope you will consider participating in the fall, distance-learning training intensive. The details about this training follow below.

For more insight about the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing, listen to a recording excerpt from one of my recent teleseminars below:

2012 Spiritual PhytoEssencing Fall Distance-Learning Training Intensive: The Details

1) In-Depth Exploration of the Inner Nature of Three Essential Oils

The Fall Training Intensive will feature in-depth exploration of 3 essential oils – Coriander, Rhododendron, Valerian.

All students will receive these 3 chapters from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils. Each of these 3 chapters is more than 20 pages long. An entire class will be devoted to my discussion of each oil. In other words, 3 of the classes consist of in-depth exploration (presented as webinars) of these 3 essential oils.

2) Layered Blending Training Exercise

Another central feature of this course will be a transporting layered blending training exercise during which I will guide the students step-by-step in the preparation of a layered essential oil blend.

In Spiritual PhytoEssencing, all blends are built as a series of layers. Structuring the blend in this way greatly enhances both it scent dynamic and its spiritual potential. The Kabbalah teaches that the soul consists of five levels and that there are four worlds, three of those being progressively higher, spiritual worlds above the material world we exist in.

The layered blending exercise extends over the course of 2 weeks as each student will be building 5 layers with one being added approximately every other day. The class that I will present to initiate this training exercise will be in the form of a live online demo during which you will actually be able to watch me blend the first layer and then follow suit by blending your first layer.

3) The Fall Training Intensive Oil Set

The layered blends will be prepared using a very special oil set that students can purchase. I have personally sourced all the oils for this set and at the time of this writing they are in transit to me from different parts of the world.

I select oils based not only upon their growing conditions and scent quality but also upon their depth of soul. In order to qualify for use in Spiritual PhytoEssencing work, an oil must be a concentrated carrier of what the Kabbalah refers to as “Divine sparks.”

The oils in this set are stellar on all levels. The set will contain 5 ml. of each of 8 different oils including the 3 to be studied in detail during this course as well as lavender (included in every Spiritual PhytoEssencing blend). At the time of this writing I have not yet decided upon the all the oils in the set.

Those of you who have been in my classes before have experienced the extraordinary quality of the oils that I offer to my students at remarkably low cost. I always do my best to keep the pricing down so everyone can afford to participate.

4) Training in the Preparation of a Homeopathic-Style Potentized Dilution of an Essential Oil Blend

A Sunday afternoon lab class (presented in live online and video demo format) is devoted to training in the preparation of a homeopathic-style potentized dilution of a layered blend. This dilution (1 drop of the blend sequentially diluted in hundreds of thousands of parts alcohol/water solution) is used internally and can also be rubbed into the elbow or wrist creases.

During this lab class each student will be working with the potentizing kit that I will be making available at a very modest cost. The kit will contain the bottles, disposable droppers and diluents that are needed to prepare a homeopathic-style dilution of a layered oil blend.

The kit will also contain 5 ml. of one of my hand-prepared Kabbalah Series essential oil blends called Back To The Garden, which is the blend that everyone will be preparing a potentized dilution of.

I have selected Back To The Garden for this exercise because it is a very relevant for spiritual individuals during this trying era. I formulated Back To The Garden using the lyrics of Joni Mitchel’s classic song Woodstock as the template.

While ostensibly the song is about Mitchell’s experience of the famous 1969 Woodstock music festival it can also be interpreted as need to return not only to oneness with Nature but with the spiritual realm.

Here are some of the lyrics and you’ll see what I mean:

“I came upon a child of god
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, where are you going
And this he told me…

I’m going to camp out on the land
I’m going to try an get my soul free
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning
Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe its the time of man
I don’t know who l am
But you know life is for learning

We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden”

As part of the lab class during which the students will be preparing a potentized dilution of my Back To The Garden blend, I will discuss how I went about translating Joni Mitchell’s lyrics into corresponding essential oil selections for inclusion in the blend.

5) Case-Study Analysis Training

One of the central features of the Fall Training Intensive will be case study analysis training. This training will provide a grounding in the basic skills required to create unique custom soul-level healing blends specific for only the persons for whom they are intended. These type of blends, if well-prepared are potentially life-changing.

This training will be constructed is as follows:

a) Using the webinar format, I will present one of my case-studies to the students, taking them step-by-step through my interpretation of the interview material and its subsequent translation into essential oil selections. You will not only be able to hear me but also see my computer desktop as I open, and switch between, documents.

b) In August I will be presenting a 2-class Interview Training Certification Series during which all the students will actually be able to observe me perform a live custom blend interview. All the students will take their own notes regarding the what the interviewee says.

The students will also have the opportunity to ask the interviewee questions if there is something more they feel would add to their understanding of the case.

During the 2012 Fall Training Intensive, the case-study training group leaders (see c) below for explanation) will introduce their notes of this interview to their groups and the group will then proceed (guided by the group leader) to go through the material in a similar fashion, interpret it, make oil selections and propose the formula for a custom blend for that person.

Those members of the group who attended the Interview Training Series will be able to introduce elements from their notes into the group discussion.

c) Of course,at this point many of the students, being new to this, still won’t have enough experience to know how to proceed with case-study analysis on their own. Therefore, a unique feature of this training are the case-study training group sessions. Accordingly, everyone who wants to participate will all be assigned to case-study training study groups with each group led by a group study leader who is one of my very seasoned students.

The case-study training group sessions are optional. If someone does not want to participate they can still register and attend all the oil discussion and case-analysis classes and take part in the layered blend exercise and the homeopathic-style dilution training class (see details below).

d) The 4 group-study sessions will be conducted using the same webinar format I used to demonstrate my case study analysis. In other words, students will be connected by computer. Everyone will be able to see the group leader open documents, highlight certain things, copy and paste, etc.

The group leader will be able to switch between her computer desktop and any one of the student’s desktops when that student wants to point something out, or has a question about a certain part of the material that everyone will be working with.

Everyone will be able to ask questions and there will open discussions among the group members.

Over the course of the 4 sessions, each group will work out the blend together and then the group leaders will submit the group’s work to me for review.

The scheduling of the 4 sessions will be determined by each group. Students from Australia and Europe will be assigned to the same group as their time zones are more easily coordinated than they would be with North American time zones. The sessions will be 90 minutes long and will take place on days when I am not presenting a class.

e) I will then follow with another webinar during which I will describe how I interpreted the same case assigned to the groups and worked out the blend. All the students will then be able to compare their work with mine.

Schedule Of Classes

There will be 7 classes in all, not counting group-study sessions.

First Class: Wednesday, September 12th @ 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (8:00 p.m. Eastern Time)

Second Class: Thursday, September 27th @ 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (8:00 p.m. Eastern Time)

Third Class: Wednesday, October 10th @ 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (8:00 p.m. Eastern Time)

Thereafter the remaining 4 classes will be presented on a weekly basis, except for the final class which will be presented on Wednesday, November 14th.

All weekday classes will be scheduled for the same time.

The potentizing training lab class described above will be presented on Sunday, November 4th @ 2 p.m. Pacific Time (5 p.m. Eastern).

As noted previously: All classes will be recorded and so those who have scheduling conflicts and miss a class, can review the entire presentation whenever they like, at their own pace.

Tuition – The tuition will vary depending upon when you register.

If you register by July 15th you will be eligible for the most highly discounted, early-bird tuition of just $225.

After July 15th, the tuition for everyone increases to $250.

After August 25th, the tuition increases to $275.

What You Will Receive For Your Tuition

Tuition covers: all 7 classes, the recordings and the 4 optional group study sessions.

Additionally you will receive, the revised Coriander, Rhododendron and Valerian chapters from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis Of Essential Oils, the 2012 Spiritual PhytoEssencing Repertory Of Essential Oils and the revised Six Element Paradigm Workbook and the revised Spiritual PhytoEssencing Blending and Potentized Dilution Manual. These materials, which you will receive at no extra cost, normally sell for approximately $75.

Considering all that is being offered and how rare this type of training is, this is 1960′s level pricing. It is my policy to do my utmost to make my courses affordable for all those who really want to participate.

Continuing Ed Credits

Those who attend the course will, upon request, be provided documentation confirming the completion of 14 hours of training. If you participate in the 4 case-study training group sessions, you will be eligible to receive and additional 6 CE credits. If you participate in the layered blending exercise, you will be eligible to receive and additional 4 CE credits.

Level 1 or Level 2 Spiritual PhytoEssencing Training Certification

Those who take the optional exam (not difficult) at the end of the course will receive a Spiritual PhytoEssencing Level I or Level 2 Training Certification (Level 2 Certification is available only to those who attended the 2011 Training Intensive and passed the Level 1 Certification Exam).

Diploma Students

For those of you who are Diploma Course students, this training intensive will count as one full Diploma Course module toward the six required for earning your Di.SPE credential.

Register now! For the 2012 Spiritual PhytoEssencing Fall Distance-Learning Training Intensive.

If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Me.

Dr. Bruce Berkowsky is a master practitioner, and one of the world’s preeminent teachers, of deep psycho-spiritual work with essential oils. If you would like to study with him without ever having to leave your home, consider the two upcoming webinar-based training opportunities.

Written by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB

Dr. Berkowsky, a registered naturopath, master herbalist and classical homeopath–is President of Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc. He is the founder/teacher of both Spiritual PhytoEssencing and the Natural Health Science System which he designed following many years of research and clinical practice, and includes herbology, nutrition, homeopathy, aromatherapy, exercise, traditional nature-cure as well as East/West healing arts/bodywork. Dr. Berkowsky teaches in-depth seminars/teleseminars/workshops to health-care professionals and spiritually aware individuals.

Disclaimer: This publication is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Seek the advice of your health-care provider before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.

aromatherapy homeopathy naturopathy online webinar courses membership

Interested in Joining Dr. Berkowsky's Student and Practitioner Group?

Join the membership program to have access to guidance, lectures and workshops and more by Dr. Berkowsky on the theory and practice of the Natural Health Science System (NHSS) and Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE).

NHSS will include instruction in healthful natural diet and cooking, strategic nutritional supplementation, Vital Chi Skin-Brushing, naturopathic hydrotherapies, herbal medicine, cell salts, homeopathy, acupoint therapy, chi kung (Qi Gong) exercise (chi kung is actually apart of both the NHSS and SPE) and much more.

SPE will include the in-depth study of specific essential oils and gemstone essences, guided blending exercises, case-study analysis work, the basics of blend formulation, interactive cosmic light projections, and more.

Read More Articles by Dr. Berkowsky

Soothing the Abdominal Brain with Synergy of Blue Chamomile Essential Oil, Labradorite Gemstone Essence and Blue Light Therapy

Soothing the Abdominal Brain with Synergy of Blue Chamomile Essential Oil, Labradorite Gemstone Essence and Blue Light Therapy

Disturbances of the abdominal brain require a broad spectrum therapeutic response featuring dietary change, nutrient supplementation, exercises, breathing exercises, hydrotherapy, therapeutic sunbathing, improved rest and sleep habits, etc. The protocol presented in this article is being offered as an example of adjunctive measures that may prove of good service when implemented in concert with the more fundamental elements such as said dietary changes and breathing exercises, etc. .


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