Cayenne’s Potential Value In COVID-19 Regarding Two of Its Destructive Effects
Learn why cayenne pepper is worthy of consideration regarding the abnormal clotting and hemorrhagic effects of coronavirus infection. Those individuals who have only mild symptoms and are self-treating with natural medicines may want to consider the addition of cayenne to their home treatment protocol. Others who are not infected by the virus may wish to consider cayenne as part of their preventive protocol.
Foods That Build Immunological Resisting Power: Coconut Oil and Viral Infection
Learn how to use coconut oil for building immunological resisting power, Dr. Berkowsky’s coconut milk recipe and essential oil formula.
Nature’s Laws of Health and Disease Part II
Disease Proneness Equation: Ratio between the levels of environmental challenge and immunological resisting power.
Staying Healthy in this New Reality: Nature’s Laws of Health and Disease Part I
This is the first in a series of articles that I will be presenting that focuses on some of Nature’s Laws of Health and Disease and explains their enduring relevance in this new reality that we all find ourselves having to adapt to. Given the virulence of...
Essential Oils, Fearfulness and the Arrow of Time
The faster the pace of one’s daily life, the shorter the duration of periods of time seem to be. Learn how to prepare
deep-acting, soul-level healing blends for individuals whose lives seem to be caught up in the racing river of entropy and whose perceptual filters, reactional tendencies and decision-making processes are strongly influenced by the awareness of the acceleration of the arrow of time.
Cayenne is a Powerful Food and Medicine
I have observed Cayenne for its potentially life-saving properties over the many years of my practice. Read this article to learn about the benefits and uses of Cayenne in herbal medicine and folklore as well as my recipes for cayenne drink.
Essential Oil Blending, Magic Drops Alchemy Technique and the Archetypal Nature of Tea Tree Oil
Today’s article is a follow-up to my previous article in which I discussed the surrounding essence, an alchemy technique that I have developed for the Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) blending. In this article, I describe another blending SPE alchemy technique called...
Essential Oils and the Chakras: Understanding the Inner Nature of Champaca Oil via its Chakra Affinities
A chakra can be viewed as being a type of archetypal form. Once one identifies which chakras are more influential than others in a person’s mental and physical nature, then oils whose pattern of chakra affinities have a high degree of congruence with that person’s pattern can be selected for inclusion in a personalized blend that encourages soul-level healing.
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Light-Glow Emitter Technique
I developed this SPE technique to subtly diffuse the Light within plants and essential oils into the atmosphere to counteract pervasive darkness and to assuage the negative emotions that derive from it.
Power Food: Chia Seed, Part I
Read this article for a detailed discussion about the nutritional bounty and healing potential of chia seeds.
Gandhi Root, Camel Jasper and the Long, Rewarding Journey of Self-Actualization
Learn about the properties of a lesser known essential oil called gandhi root and its spirit-level synchronicity with the gemstone camel jasper, the mystical symbolism associated with the camel, and when correlated, how all of these reveal the inner nature of an individual for whom gandhi root oil is specific.
Essential Oils And The Divine Feminine
Modern life features an ongoing degenerative process, whose impact on a soul level is comparable to the destructive effect climate change exerts upon our planet. This degenerative process is fueled by the disappearing influence of the Divine Feminine. In fact, climate...
Peppermint Oil and The Phosphorescent Personality
Archetypes and Archetypal Images Plants are living organisms and all living things, plant and animal, are ensouled. Accordingly, the essential oil is the carrier of the most concentrated portion of the plant's soul essence. In this reference, anthroposophy founder...
Mind/Body “Wholing” Precedes True Healing
Wild Mind; Understanding Symptoms; True Nature of Fever; Connecting Therapeutics to the Laws of Nature; Wholism vs. Reductionism; Mastic (Pistacia lentiscus) & More!
Pine Oil and the Aftermath of the Death of a ‘GLADIATOR’: The theme of guilt feelings associated with unintentional harm
Pine oil is an important oil to consider when blending for a paralytic emotional state characterized by traumatization and related guilt feelings. Relative to soldiers and other warrior types, pine oil harbors powerful astral body forces.
Roman Chamomile and the Theme of Ambiguous Loss
Ambiguous loss, sometimes referred to alternatively as frozen grief, is associated with a lack of closure or clear understanding of the circumstances. Roman chamomile has specificity for a number of varieties of ambiguous loss involving some feeling of guilt, difficult choices and conflicted personal leadership.
The Difference Between Life and Death: Vital Force/Chi
Learn how the body acquires Vital Force or Chi; Modern medicine’s lack of understanding of Chi and suggestions for building and maintaining Vital Force/Chi.
Alternate Warm/Cool Shower
It has been my experience that the integration of my Vital Chi Skin-Brushing System with strategic hydrotherapies and essential oil selections creates powerful healing synergy for both body and soul. The Alternate Warm/Cool Shower forms a particularly powerful synergy with Vital Chi Skin-Brushing.
Health vs Disease: A Matter Of Rhythm
While outwardly the human organism appears to be unified, it’s actually sustained by an inward duality and animated by a polarity which must be reconciled by a third entity:Â a rhythmic system. Read this article to learn about your body’s rhythmic system and how to restore healthy rhythmicity.
Marjoram Oil and the Perception of Threat to One’s Self-Concept
A discussion of Dr. Carl Rogers’ foundational concepts and their relevance regarding the inner conflict of the marjoram oil individual.
Humble Radiance: The Central Importance of Humility in Soul-Level Blending
Activating the Soul-Level Healing Potential Within Essential Oils Via Soul-Level Humility; The Tree Of Life Vessel Of Keter; Angela of Foligno; Humility and Essential Oils as Teachers.
Prelude To A Kiss: Jasmine Oil And Overcoming The Fear Of Intimacy
The fear of intimacy may be the product of a diverse array of causative factors. Learn how and where Jasmine oil can be utilized in SPE for overcoming this fear.
The Fundamental Essence of True Healing
Copyright 2013-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB In this article I present an overview of the theoretical context of traditional naturopathy. Although I am long retired from naturopathic practice, these principles will...
The Art of the Blend Part II: The Zen State Required For Soul-Level Blending
In Spiritual PhytoEssencing blending, the blender must operate from an inner point of Nothingness and Silence in order to transcend the purely physical mechanics of blending and gain entry into the inner domain of the oils where the “divine sparks” are most concentrated.
The Art of the Blend Part I: Creating a Customized Blend for Deep Soul-Level Healing
Spiritual PhytoEssencing features the use of two types of essential oil blends: constitutional and situational. The constitutional blend is referred to as the “custom blend,” because it is customized to reflect the unique inner soul nature of one particular individual. This is Part 1 of a series of articles I’m presenting regarding the art of preparing essential oil blends for the purpose of deep soul-level healing, which is devoted to the rationale underlying the customized constitutional blend and the methodology used to create them.
Loss And Remembrance: An Essential Oil Blend For Those Who Have Been Deeply Affected By The Loss Of Children
Details for the preparation of an essential oil that can be used to help those wounded by the loss of a child. This blend is designed to penetrate beyond the emotions to the soul.
Chronic Acid Reflux and the Decline and Fall of the Modern Stomach – Part 3: The Humble, Mighty Apple
Among the high water-content, alkalizing fruits and vegetables, the apple is one of the most important food-as-medicine components of a stomach-healing protocol. LEarn about Reversing Counterflow Chi in the Gastrointestinal Tract, Antioxidant Action:Â Vitamins, Flavonoids and Polyphenols, Pectin and Other Types of Fiber, Using Apple for GERD relief and more!
My Encounter with the Spirit of Cora: A Transitional Journey Using Essential Oils
In the process of writing the Douglas-fir chapter for my Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils, I have discovered that paternal nurturing is one of the central themes of the inner nature of Douglas-fir oil. Elaborating this theme rekindled a vivid...
Chronic Acid Reflux and the Decline and Fall of the Modern Stomach: Part 2
Learn about Nature’s Therapies for Chronic Acid Reflux and General Digestive Derangement.
Essential Oils Fall Webinar Training Intensive: Live Distance-Learning Training with Dr. Berkowsky
Copyright 2012-2022 by Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc.By Bruce Berkowsky, N.M.D., M.H., NCTMB Learn the Art of Soul-Level Healing with Essential Oils in the Comfort of Your Own Home For many years I taught an annual in-person training intensive in my home state of...