SPE Astrology Dialectics, Miasms and Tree of Life Psychological Perspectives Reference Guide


In order to be able to prepare a custom Astro-Synthesis Blend you will need the SPE Astro-Synthesis Blend Formulation Reference Guide, this SPE Astrology Dialectics, Miasms, and Tree of Life Psychological Perspectives Reference Guide  and the SPE Repertory of Essential Oils.

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The SPE Astrology Dialectics, Miasms, and Tree of Life Psychological Perspectives Reference Guide, essential for creating your customized blend formula. It is about 70 pages long and contains a wealth of unique information, not only about the various astrological archetypes involved in Astro-Synthesis Blending (Sun sign, Moon sign, Rising sign, Descendant sign, North and South Nodes of the Moon), but also about the miasms and the vessels of the Tree of Life from a psycological perspective.

Elements and Zodiac Signs
Fire Signs
Earth Signs
Air Signs
Water Signs
Zodiac Signs and Chakras
Zodiac Signs and Sefirot (Tree of Life Vessels)
Tree of Life Sefirot (Vessels): Keynotes and Psychological Perspectives
Zodiac Signs and the Miasms
Sun Signs
Moon Signs
The Ascendant/Descendant Axis
Ascendant (Rising) Signs
Descendant Signs
North Node and South Node (Lunar Nodes) Nodal Axis
North Node and South Node Pairs Basic Qualities
Astrological Signs Rubrics