Autumn Leaves Essential Oils Blend


The blend will be not only about autumn but also about the autumn of one’s life, of the movement of one’s soular hero’s journey towards the winter and end one’s sojourn as a living soul. It will also be about love. This blend was introduced in Oct 2022 in the SPE NHSS 2022 Membership Program.

This product can only be received by members. Sign up for the NHSS/SPE Students & Practitioners Membership or if you're a member.

The blend will be not only about autumn but also about the autumn of one’s life, of the movement of one’s soular hero’s journey towards the winter and end one’s sojourn as a living soul. It will also be about love.

You may recall that my plan was to use Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73 as the template for determining the oils for this blend. I did just that. It has worked out to be a very deep-acting, powerful and beautiful blend.

I will be sharing details of the formulation and the blending at the next Zoom meeting – scheduled for Tuesday, 10/25/22.

You will definitely connect on an inner consciousness and Heart chakra level with this blend. The full blending blueprint will be sent just prior to the Zoom meeting.

I began blending Autumn Leaves a few days ago and from the very first layer I could feel its power and was captivated by its beauty and depth of feeling. Each layer is unfolding a new mystery within its realm.

Today, I am sending the list of the oils needed to prepare the blend, so that those of you who intend to blend it have a chance to source any of the oils you may need. You will have only 3 weeks to prepare this blend before we move the focus on to the revised Snowy Night In The Woods blend that will be used during the SPE Winter Solstice Cosmic Light Projection scheduled for Friday, 12/23/22 – during the Chanukah/Christmas interface.

Here is that list. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Hope to see you on Tuesday.


Dr. B

Autumn Leaves Blend

Main Component Oils

Orris Root
Palo Santo

Alchemy Oils

Surrounding Essence:

Carrot Seed

Invisible Sparks:


Magic Drops:
