Today, I am sending:1) Complete SPE Snowy Night On Moonlight Lake Cosmic Light Projection BlueprintThis blueprint is 22 pages long. There are quite a few pictures as part of this, so there isn’t as much reading as you might assume, however it does provide an in-depth understanding of both the content and process of this projection. You will definitely need to read this manual before participating in the projection, if you want to derive the full benefit. Snowy Night At Moonlight Lake Cosmic Light Projection 2023 Blueprint Read more 2) Audio Recording re: SPE Snowy Night On Moonlight Lake Cosmic Light Projection BlueprintIn order to help you better understand the content and process of the projection, I have created an in-depth audio recording. It […]
Recording Link for 2/25/25 Member’s Zoom Class; New Article – Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Here is the recording link for the last Tuesday’s (2/25/25) member’s live class. The focus is on: the human rhythmic system; rhythmicity as a factor in health and disease (from both western physiology and Chinese medicine perspectives); Spikenard Oil. In the new article on Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, I emphasize both content and process. Accordingly, the information here “sets the scene” for a home-protocol I have designed and will present in Part II of this discussion.