Today, I am going to discuss the 2 essential oils that I have just added to the latest SPE Polarity Balancing Blend formula: Rhododendron Oil and Lovage Root Oil. I will explain what these oils add to the Polarity Balancing Blend. I have begun blending my first batch now for those people who have placed orders. You can place your order for the SPE Polarity Balancing Blend, simply by e-mailing me. Cost = $45 per 5 ml. I suggest that the blend be most often used in a 2% or 4% dilution. When doing polarity balancing (involving the balancing of polar opposites including positive and negative charges; yin and yang, etc.), it may be best to stay with even number percentages.If you would like to blend it […]
Recording Link for 2/25/25 Member’s Zoom Class; New Article – Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Here is the recording link for the last Tuesday’s (2/25/25) member’s live class. The focus is on: the human rhythmic system; rhythmicity as a factor in health and disease (from both western physiology and Chinese medicine perspectives); Spikenard Oil. In the new article on Excessive Visceral Fat and Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, I emphasize both content and process. Accordingly, the information here “sets the scene” for a home-protocol I have designed and will present in Part II of this discussion.