Remembering a “True” Holiday Gift
When I was young I enjoyed the Christmas season even though I'm Jewish and never celebrated it. The Christmas season coincides with the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, the Festival Of Lights. However, it went beyond that for me because the 1950s and 1960s Christmas had a...
Essential Oils and Birth-Family Relationships
Dysfunctional birth-family relationships are major catalysts in the development of an individual’s pain body. Learn which essential oils can be important regarding dysfunctional family relationships.
Archetypal images, Juniper Oil and Cowboy Jack
In June of 1973 I was teaching biology and general science in a very rough school in Brooklyn. Like many people who eventually became practitioners of the natural healing arts, I am driven by a strong Tubercular miasm current. Thus, like a fire-horse straining at the...
Rejuvenate Thyroid Function with Skin-Brushing, Hydrotherapy and Essential Oils
Read this article to learn about three synergistic, whole-body therapies that can help revitalize the nervous, circulatory and glandular systems. Learn how these natural home therapies can be applied to supporting the thyroid gland.
Basil Oil and the Scorpion-Type Individual
One of the basic synchronicities employed in Spiritual PhytoEssencing is long-term associations between an oil and a particular animal species. Learn about Basil and The Scorpion, Homeopathic Remedy Androctonos and Healing The Scorpion-Type’s Victims.
Traditional Naturopathy: Living in Harmony with the Rhythms of the Natural Universe
Learn about living in harmony with the rhythms of nature, the human being is a rhythmic organism, traditional naturopathy’s perspective on the cause of disease and more.
Dr. Berkowsky’s Vital Chi Skin-Brushing System
INTRODUCTION Vital Chi Skin-Brushing can sustain or reestablish the skin's functional integrity and youthful glow. The skin is as major an organ as the heart, lungs and kidneys. Its primary functions include: respiration, excretion, blood and lymph circulation,...
The Soul-Nature of Essential Oils
Phytoessences (plant essential oils) exert emotional and physical effects via the perception of their respective scents. The olfactory nerves: nerves related to the sense of smell are directly connected to cerebral centers, including the hypothalamus: a crucial...