In the mid-1990s, after nearly 20 years of clinical practice, I came to two crucial conclusions. The first is that all chronic disease, and to a great extent human unhappiness, is characterized by inertia or “stuckness.” The second is that disharmony on both physical and emotional levels emanates from a deep-seated central disturbance that ripples outward to the more superficial planes of being.
The basic premise of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) is that the soul is the epicenter of this central disturbance. Accordingly, the outer identity one creates as a survival personality, distracted by the stresses of daily life and the influences that channel one into a pattern of socially controlled behavior, loses its connection with its inner source.
King Solomon wrote: “The light of God is the soul of the human being.” In other words, the soul is the unique expression of divinity within each individual. There are no limitations in the realm of the Infinite. On the other hand, when one becomes estranged from one’s true inner soul nature and becomes preoccupied with the finite, “stuckness” results.
This “stuckness” is inertial. Once consciousness becomes entangled within the tenacious web of the finite, it has difficulty restoring its orientation to its Divine source. The purpose of the Spiritual PhytoEssencing custom blend is to provide a nucleus of pure soul energy, unencumbered by the restrictions of ego, around which the human soul can reorganize.
Upon reorganization, the soul’s first imperative is to restore its orientation toward the Infinite and, in doing so, change one’s perspective from limitations to limitlessness and one’s existential state from “stuckness” and potential for disease to progress and potential for true healing.