Please note: The information that follows is intended as an educational tool, not a prescription. Whenever illness, weakness and or sensitivity is a factor, seek the advice of a health-care professional before trying any new substance or technique. This bath should certainly be avoided by those with cardiac weakness or any skin condition (e.g., severe eczema) which may be aggravated by prolonged immersion in water.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Neutral Bath—a type of full-bath—served as an important sedative therapy for institutionalized, emotionally agitated individuals. In this era of unrelenting emotional and physical stresses, the Neutral Bath may be effectively used to soothe and relax the mind/body organism, affording it the opportunity to restore equilibrium.
In earlier times, people lived less intense lives, in accordance with their internal clocks. In recent decades the pace of life has accelerated dramatically and most people now experience their daily existences as a perpetual sequence of trying situations, which require a perpetual sequence of energy-draining responses. Lacking the prioritization of regularly scheduled time for rest and recovery, people lose touch with instinctive awareness of the mind/body organism’s rest and recovery imperative, and so become progressively wired and tired.
In the 1930s, famed Swedish health teacher Are Waerland began his “Sun Viking movement.” Many of his students experienced greatly improved health and even recovery from serious illnesses. Waerland taught that disease was a disturbance of a person’s life-rhythm, established through the millions of years of the human sojourn on Earth. Waerland felt that health could only be produced, and disease eliminated, by restoring the original human life-rhythm which depends upon an unhindered relationship between the human body and the eternal rhythms of the natural world.
Waerland’s point about disease being a product of a disconnection between a person’s life-rhythm and the rhythms of the natural world, is one of the most ignored principles of health and disease.
Additionally, 21st century individuals commonly fuel their days with caffeine and devitalized processed, highly sugared foods and are immersed in a sea of harmful, draining radiation and artificial light stimulation. Computers along with all other digital devices such as cell phones, emit harmful electromagnetic rays and frequencies that drain vital force (chi). An aspect of vital force/chi (primarily wei chi; a layer of undifferentiated chi situated just below the skin surface) must greatly increase its exertions as a defensive shield against invasive influences.
People have become addicted to cell phone communications, spending hours each day chatting, texting and wandering aimlessly through social media. All of this sustains the trend toward the over-amplification of the currents of the neuroendocrine system, and thus, the development of adrenal fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

An habitual stress-mentality pattern encourages overwork. In turn, overwork seriously depletes vital force/chi (i.e., enervation). The depletion of vital force/chi and nutrient reserves weakens the blood. The combination of enervation and devitalized blood is a central factor in most chronic diseases. It is estimated that 90% of doctor visits in the U.S. are related to stress as a central causative factor.
The Neutral Bath
The Neutral Bath has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of insomnia, nervousness, depression, hypertension, chronic pain and drug withdrawal.
Note: The Neutral Bath is intended to foster deep relaxation. Therefore, the best time to perform this bath is when you will have no activities planned, and will have plenty of time to rest and relax, afterward. Thus, in general, the Neutral Bath should be taken in the evening after the day’s work and social activities have ended.
It is best not to use this bath more than twice weekly as excessive warm baths can be fatiguing. Also, overuse of this bath will diminish its effectiveness over time.
1) In a pre-warmed bathroom, fill the tub with water temperature between 94o F. to 98o F. (34o C. to 37o C.) until water covers bather to neck-level. The first few times you take this bath, you will need a thermometer to manage this bath properly. Once you have experience with it, you can dispense with the thermometer and manage it purely by feel.
2) The water temperature must be maintained at above set out temperature which is approximately skin-temperature. This balance between skin- and water-temperatures leads to decreased sensitivity of the temperature-sensing nerves of the skin.
There must beno body-rubbing or impact of water upon skin (as occurs during showering). These two measures ensure that the nerve-endings of the skin are deprived of stimulation. In this way, the nervous system is given a rest and allowed to rebuild its reserves.
3) Duration of bath is also an important factor as the full relaxant effect takes time to develop and mature. The Neutral Bath generally lasts from 20-minutes to 45 minutes. In general, 30 minutes may prove to be a sufficient duration for most people.
Don’t overdo with this procedure. If the duration of the bath goes beyond 45 minutes, it may become depleting.
4) While in the bathtub, the room lighting should be kept low; noise and otherinterruptionsshould be controlled. Also, bather shouldlie relatively still, using a folded towel placed to support head and neck. If bather needs to shift position, this should be done slowly while avoiding any stimulating body-rubbing.
5) Be sure not to fall asleep in the tub and be careful while exiting the tub.
6) After stepping out of the tub, be sure to step only on a warm bath mat. Do not step on to a cold floor as this will interfere with temperature-related effects of the Neutral Bath.
Pat dry only. Do not rub dry. Rubbing will awaken the nerves quieted by the action of the Neutral-Bath.
7) After drying, dress comfortably and warmly and rest for at least 1 hour before resuming activity or eating.
Complementary Essential Oils For The Neutral Bath

To 1 tsp. of unrefined seas salt, add 9 drops (in total) of one or more of the essential oils listed below— whether using one or more of the oils, the total amount of oil added to the bathwater should not exceed 9 drops.
The Spiritual PhytoEssencing blend formulated for use with the Neutral Bath is Serene WatersTM.
If you do not have this blend, select 2 to 4 oils from the list below to be used in combination in the Neutral Bath. Remember, whether using 2 oils, 3 oils, 4 oils, etc. the amount of oil used per bath in total does not exceed 9 drops. Mix oils and sea salt thoroughly using a wooden toothpick (do not use finger or a metal spoon). Now, add the scented salt to the Neutral Bath water and disperse it by swirling the bath water around with your hand.
Essential Oils For The Neutral-Bath
All of these essential oils are intended for external use only. Keep essential oils away from the eyes. Keep essential oils and essential oil blends out of the reach of children. If you experience any type of skin reaction to essential oils, discontinue use.
Note: I have listed only those properties of the following oils which are most relevant regarding the Neutral-Bath.
Carrot seed (Daucus carota)—eases fluid retention; reduces muscular tension; counteracts low blood pressure and anemia; balances endocrine system.
Clary sage (Salvia sclarea)—eases muscle-aches, pains and spasms; balances adrenal glands; antidepressant; aids in drug withdrawal; dream enhancer.
Lavender (Lavendula vera)—antispasmodic, sedative, harmonizing, sedative (brain and central nervous system); aids deep meditation; cleanses and soothe the spirit; balances blood pressure and circulation; counteracts low blood sugar; antidepressant; calms emotional extremes.
Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)—balances heart action, hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system;
Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium)—balances nervous system; supports the anterior pituitary gland; promotes good circulation, warms the body;
Ylang ylang (Cananga adorata)—adrenal relaxant; sedative; antidepressant; balances hormones.
Serene Waters™$49.00