Savory Materia Medica
Savory oil is distilled from two varieties of savory: summer savory and winter savory. While these essential oils are roughly interchangeable in terms of Spiritual PhytoEssencing or aromatherapy practice, winter savory oil is preferred in both. As regards Spiritual PhytoEssencing, for a number of reasons, winter savory presents a broader, deeper-reaching psycho-spiritual dynamic than summer savory does. Primary among these reasons is the fact that while the former is a perennial, the latter is an annual. Clearly, winter savory oil, derived from a plant that has experienced the cycle of the seasons and a much longer life journey, will hold more potential for soul level work than would its close, annual relative. Accordingly, winter savory serves as the focus of this chapter.
As an herbal medicine, savory is classified as being: anti-diarrheic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, stimulant, stomachic, carminative (clears flatus), expectorant and diaphoretic (stimulates perspiration), laxative, stimulant. The early physicians used savory to treat colic, constipation associated with liver and lung disorders, flatulence, liver disorders, rheumatism and sciatica (mixed with wheat flour). Savory oil has been found to be potently antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral.
Download this chapter to learn more about SAVORY— Satureja montana.