Sage Materia Medica


Sage has long been revered for its medicinal virtues. The word Salvia is derived from the Latin, salvus, meaning “safe and sound” and related to the word salvare, meaning “to save.”

In earlier times, herbalists used sage to staunch bleeding wounds and cleanse foul skin ulcers and sores. Sage was also found to be of especially good service for counteracting excessive urination, salivation and perspiration as well as for drying up the secretion of breast milk. Additionally it was considered to be a useful diuretic and emmenagogue (agent
which helps initiate menstruation) and was used by physicians to induce the uterus to expel a dead fetus.

Download this chapter to learn more about SAGE—Salvia officinalis.

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23 pages excerpted from Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils.

Miasm: Acute
Sefirot: Daat/Tiferet interface
Constitutional Type: Mixed Neurasthenia/Hysteria
Spiritual PhytoEssencing Core Perspectives: plant characteristics and historical perspectives; herbal medicine and aromatherapy; homeopathic remedy Salvia; ANS; pituitary gland; adrenal glands, homeopathic remedy Aconite; astral body; fluid organism; liver and kidneys; resisting power; mixed Neurasthenia/Hysteria constitution; Acute miasm; Daat/Tiferet interface.

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