SPE Scalar Light Wave Gemstone Essences

SPE Scalar Light Wave Gemstone Essences

The SPE Scalar Light Wave Gemstone Essences are an extraordinary set of 6 essences intended for deep, psychospiritual healing work. They act at a deeper constitutional level than the other SPE Gemstone Essences.

Unlike the other SPE Gemstone Essences, the SPE Scalar Light Wave Gemstone Essences are not intended for daily use to help one navigate the challenging circumstances of life out there in the world.

Instead Scalar Light Wave Essences are used once to twice weekly in total to move an individual’s core constitutional case forward on the pathway to soul fulfillment.

Accordingly, one selects a SPE Scalar Light Wave Gemstone Essence, once to twice weekly (usually a different one each time), especially, but not necessarily, on days when a more inward focus is logistically feasible.

The only difference between the preparation method for the SPE Scalar Light Wave Gemstone Essences and the other SPE Gemstone Essences is that after the SPE Natural Universe Method of gemstone mother essence preparation is completed, the SPE Scalar Light Wave mother essence is then placed in a scalar light wave field surrounded by a henge of selected stones.

The molecular pattern of the gemstone and/or the essential oil or oils that were earlier in the process diffused over the bowl may be projected into this scalar field.

This renders the mother essence much more potent and dynamic. This is not to say that the other gemstone essences are less valuable. They are equally valuable but are used differently.

The non-Scalar Light SPE gemstone essences are the daily work horses, used once to twice each day to support the soul as it navigates the gauntlet that daily life in the outer world has become. The non-Scalar Light SPE gemstone essences do exert a constitutional impact but, with focused use, over a longer period of time.

Thus, the non-Scalar Light gemstone essences are dual-use essences: 1) daily soul protection, strengthening and conscious-raising support; 2) long-term core constitutional case healing.

On the other hand, while the SPE Scalar Light Gemstone Essences also serve in the capacity of soul protection, strengthening, conscious-raising support throughout the day of use, they are much more active, as high-potency constitutional remedies.

In homeopathy, the various dilutions of the remedies are identified as X series (1:10 dilutions), C series (1:100 dilutions) and M series (1:1000 dilutions). In homeopathy, the higher the dilution, the higher the potency is the remedy. Furthermore, the higher the potency, the more potential it has regarding the core constitutional case (as opposed to simply treating superficial symptoms).

The SPE non-Scalar Light gemstone essences are the equivalent (potency-wise, not dilution-wise) of a 30C to 200C homeopathic remedy. In other words, neither low potency nor very high – middle of the scale potencies. This positions them to act both upon daily stress-induced psychospiritual imbalances as well as the core constitutional case.

In comparison, the SPE Scalar Light Gemstone Essences are the equivalent of 1M to 5M – high constitutional level – potencies. Thus, they are better positioned to work deeply into the core constitutional case.




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